Monday, August 29, 2011

tuesday post58

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1203 steps today, and secondly, TWFT topic's "it's time to move on!" righteo, events for today?
-gee, i only had one lil cup of green tea last night. when then, did nature call like SIX times last night?!
-anyways, after PIG mum gave me fifteen more minutes, i used the pot :P once more for three tinkles then she got me kitted for today, before gleefully FORCING :( me to walk out to the kitchen, where she gleefully forced poor ela to open the tap like five times before letting me sit for breakfast.
-i buttered and jammed my own slice of toast for breakfast; dunno why PIG mum only let me have that lil jam; literally most of the toast was blank! >< she also gleefully forced poor ela to brace against the plate while era was spreading, for that, i VERY DELIBERATELY held my yummy mug of horlicks 'incorrectly'.
-i went once more to the loo before leaving; of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself.
-PIG mum tootled me off to UQ for physio. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to westlife's 'where we are' all day, too. as for me, i spent the trip until PIG mum entered coronation drive having a silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-before physio, i went once to the loo; of course PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself. then i went to wash and dry both hands while PIG mum used the loo herself.
-as per her usual horrid self, PIG mum flounced off downstairs to pay and pester poor margaret without bothering to pass me a gossip mag to read; luckily, there was a gentleman who passed me the madison mag i've been reading these past few weeks; he even picked it up for me when i sneezed and dropped it, and before he left said, "would you like me to get you any more mags?" :)
-my new student's name is matt; he's a GEM (graduate entry mature?) student like jake was!
-matt lent me a walkbelt and the broken blue broomstick handle to walk into the physio gym with.
-we started with some standing balance and cone work with era, then sat down and did general sit-to-stands, followed by some cone work for ela.
-this was followed (and i ended with) several laps of walking along the hallway.
-after one more loo trip, PIG mum tootled us home, again refusing to take me to little singapore for lunch, coz apparently everyone says it's disgusting.
-instead, she made us chicken burgers with cheese and mayo for lunch! originally, she was only gonna lemme have one: either cheese OR mayo, but then said she'd gimme both if i'd place ela up onto the table, which i did without hesitation. hey, ela's willing to endure a lil discomfort for a happy eft. :)
-lunch was washed down with one mug of yummy rice green tea, sweetened with one small teaspoonful of honey, which i got to hold 'incorrectly' coz she was too bust watching some soapie to notice me.
-so busy, in fact, she even refused to watch me walk safely to the loo! >< but luckily, i didn't fall. :)
-and with perfect timing, i plopped online right @ 2pm. :) i've even got one entire hour left for myself online, now! :D
-cathy's coming to take me to toastmasters tonight! i'm doing my third speech! jordan's both introducing and evaluating me; i'm planning to wear my senior jersey!
-toms: aunty wendy's coming to mind me for three hours, then i've gotta do my writer's group homework! it's about which country i'd most like to visit. anyways, fingers crossed i can come back online tonight!
em. ^^

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