Friday, August 26, 2011

saturday post56

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 846 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's "you'll win!" and thirdly, em's still owed ONE HOUR and THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES online when jack leaves!! righteo, let's start out with last night's events first?
-after a dinner of two minute noodles and a toilet trip, dad tootled me off to SHINE fellowship. i almost didn't make it there, coz dad chucked a cow @ me for scratching somewhere i'm not allowed to scratch in public, but PIG mum told dad to drive me there anyway, phew.
-there were about twenty people attending last night; even christy jie and peter pie attended! wonder why?
i sang the harmony for the song 'ascribe greatness' during worship.
-dr. dr. tai sat beside me last night, and was my interpretor whenever i got stuck. actually, mid-way through last night, she suddenly said, 'emily, you're bleeding!" i was like, "huh?!' but she immediately reassured me and said, 'your pimple's just burst, that's all. here, wait and i'll get you some tissues." then she came back and gently dabbed my cheek with some wettened tissue. huh, i felt very safe with a dr. dr. looking after me. XD-
last night, a missionary that speaks both canto and japanese came to speak to us! she told us about her mission trips to china. apparently, there's this place on the freeway where EVERYONE drives @ 120km/hr!
-afterwards, we all split up to pray. i was with vicky, uncle kelvin, heidi and some other girl. they all prayed in canto; i prayed in english. XD
-there was even supper afterwards! thanks to heidi who passed me one little plastic cup of orange cordial, and dad who passed me one little bikkie.
-before i left, i went over and introduced myself to the missionary. "this must be your dad," she said to the man standing behind me. you two look the same!" XD
-dad tootled me home, repeat the usual nightly events, zzz.
-gotta go! bbl!
em. ^^

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