Sunday, August 21, 2011

sunday post56

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 2080 steps today (phew, i just passed two grand XD); secondly, TWFT topic's 'protect yourself spiritually' and thirdly, the spam count for the weekend's five. righteo, events for today?
-i used the pot :P twice last night, and once more for three tinkles before PIG mum got me kitted and gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the kitchen, where she gleefully forced poor ela to open and close the tap @ least five times before letting me sit down.
-breakfast was one slice of toast with a wee dab of butter and strawberry jam. i drank one warm mug of horlicks 'incorrectly'.
-i went once more to the loo before going to church; of course PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself.
-dad tootled us off to church. i spent the trip with my eyes closed and having a silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-awesome! dad lemme off @ the old house, coz 'twas raining! if only it could rain every sunday!
-phew, bernard and serena joined me for bible study this week. :) we re-did the chapter uncle chong and i did last week.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once before gleefully FORCING :( me to walk to the main hall for service. thankfully, dad put my bag in the back row coz i was leaving early.
-for worship today, poor em had to stand for ALL of worship - FIVE songs! >< i sang the harmony for one, but huge thanks to peter pie who found the lyrics for one song on his i-phone for me (karson had come over earlier and apologised for forgetting to bring the larger printed lyrics)
-i only stayed for a lil of the sermon reverend lam was giving, coz CC and i were having lunch @ the springwood fasta pasta! :D
-PIG mum tootled me off to the springwood fasta pasta, listening to hins cheung.
-she took me once to the loo when we arrived. of course she gleefully forced me to dak myself, then i went to wash both hands and dry era while PIG mum went herself.
-'twas great to see CC! :D PIG mum stayed to order for us, then kindly left us alone to enjoy lunch.
-lol, CC has spectacularly bad timing - she'd ask me a question right after i fed myself a big mouthful of pasta! XD
-i had my usual: fettucine cabonara with added chicken; CC had some kinda ravioli; we traded. we also had cheesy garlic bread and normal bread, and i drank a chocolate milkshake.
-we just caught up; it's been so long since i last saw CC! turns out she's got two older brothers and lives @ durack, wherever that is. and she's doing the bridge to brisbane this year; maybe i'll see her!
-CC even bought me a goody bag! i told PIG mum she couldn't steal my chupa chups. XD don't think she's interested in marshmallows.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once more before tootling us home; again, she gleefully forced me to dak myself.
-back home, i went to the loo once more; of course, she gleefully forced me to do everything.
-then i plopped online till kwany and christy jie came!
-we played PS2 first; kwany bought it off lams awhile back.
-then, christy jie decided we'd have drinks @ fusion.
-kwany walked behind me and i went to the loo for two tinkles first; then off we went!
-they walked behind me and i went inside; we sat @ these sofa bench things.
-i ordered a pearl milk tea, but for some reason, the tea tasted crap. :S kwany had some kinda lemon drink thing; can't remember what christy jie had. some kinda pudding sago stuff? dunno.
-we chatted; i also kicked kwany in the shins once (gently! XD) when he bet i'd chew the ice then whine @ christy jie that my mouth was frozen (*which i did. XD)!
-home time, christy jie walked me back to the car and kwany tootled me back home.
-dad met us @ the front door; i said my byes and thanks to them both, then went once more to the loo before plopping online.
-i also went once more by myself when dad was out @ uncle david's. couldn't be bothered calling PIG mum, and i didn't fall. :)
-anyways, fingers crossed i can come back online after dinner tonight! but if not, just the stupid TAFE thing PIG mum's forcing me to attend. fingers crossed i can buy a yummy pork salad roll and chocolate milk home for lunch with dad, and also fingers crossed that PIG mum'll lemme buy a custard danish for arvo tea with carol toms arvo! and argh, but i've got a bloody torture session with vincent the physio afterwards. ><
em. ^^

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