Monday, October 31, 2011

monday post 69c

good evening again! em's new final plodding total for monday now stands @ 3244. righteo, continuing today's events?
-vincent the bloody physio also forced me to just stand there for five minutes. >< but he told me that he'd received my e-mail, and would show me where in the body my question related to. 'ugh, you mean you're going to show me your smelly foot?" i grimaced, coz he'd told me that 'twas a bone near the foot. 'of course not," he laughed. and once seated inside, i've never noticed this before, but he's got this little skeleton standing inside the room! i shhok the skeleton's hand XD then vincent pointed out wherever that part was.
-best of all, he let ela grab a lolly when i left. :)
-PIG mum tootled us home for lunch - vincent the physio had given us bread! he said that a client had given him lots.
-half a soft bread roll later, PIG mum tootled me off for that stupid TAFE course she's forcing me to take.
-lol, we'd moved rooms! luckily, just next door, though.
-and i felt so loved! the teacher had put me next to kiru, but when we were starting the activity, ali looked around and asked, "but where's emily?" i stuck era in the air, waved her, and called, 'i'm here, ali! hello!" he laughed and waved back! :)
-we practised matching first names, full names, addresses, suburbs and postcodes today. i was slighty curious, and said, "teacher ..." she laughed, came over and said, "it's just judy, em. what's up?" i asked her, "we're supposed to match everything up. but how come they're not jumbled @ all? you can just draw a straight line for each one." judy explained, "they're not aware of that. besides, they cutting and comparing."
-then the teacher left me to have a convo with all the students while she ran off to the computer room to do sth. she told me to ask them what they'd spent the weekend doing, and i learnt that while ali had done gardening, all the females spent their weekend cooking! then i had a great idea. "hey, next week, when i'm here, how about we ditch the english classes and do some cooking? we can still practise english by reading all the ingredients, instructions, etc.!" when judy came back, i told her my awesome idea, but she just laughed. "sorry, em," she apologised. "we don't have any ovens here!" but i thought quickly. "no problems. we can just make fairy bread! you don't need ovens for that!" judy laughed again, then said, "maybe @ the end of the year."
-PIG mum tootled us home afterwards, and i plopped online until carol came, three minutes early today.
-a nice hot shower for me - i washed my hair today, but thanks to carol who rinsed it out for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before carol flipped the nice hot water off, got dried, creamed and rekitted.
-arvo tea was my other half of the bun i had for lunch, with one slice of cheese and mayo, meaning this week's all satisfied, yay. :)
-after i'd finished eating, carol massaged ela for about thirty minutes, painting her orange with white dots today! oh, i almost forgot to say! carol brought this lovely brooch for my hair! i'm wearing it for the melbourne cup toms! :D
-carol took me once more to the loo before she left. she's having pork chops for dinner and will be back on wednesday.
-i tootled online until PIG mum awoke from pigland. :P
-after forcing me on lotsa posture and ela exercises, she gleefully forced poor ela to practise piano. i'll keep saying this, but piano playing's sth i've always loved doing, even after the unfaithful god took away my ability to play. ><
-after that, 'twas a forced twenty minutes on the treadmill. i watched the x factor when PIG mum claimed to plod her own twenty. go christina parie!
-dinner afterwards: rice, lotsa sugarloaf (lol, i thought 'twas wombok! guess i've just got inferior tastebuds XD), some fish. dinner was washed down with one mug of soup, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i went once more to the loo before returning online.
-toms: it's melbourne cup day! lol, i've already got a special hat ready for wearing! XD
-actually, i've got UQ physio @ 10:15 then a P.A. follow-up for the botox @ 1:30. and cathy's coming to shower me toms.
-one more thing! today i received a letter from nana! i spent ages trying to decipher what she said. XD oh, and it's mr. dent's birthday toms! must remember to send him birthday greetings over facebook! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
em. ^^

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