Saturday, October 8, 2011

saturday post63c

good evening again! em's new final plodding total for saturday now stands @ 1821. righteo, continuing today's events?
-i held sharon's hand and walked to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also thanks to sharon who rinsed my hair out for me, thus leaving era free to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before sharon flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me and i had another tinkle. after getting creamed, sharon rekitted me, and i just had one more tinkle when she was doing elf's sock. then, after sharon rinsed the floor for me once, i held sharon's hand and walked out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-after cutting me one juicy pear, sharon fed me the perfect arvo tea - yay, that means october's all satisfied! :D
-sharon takes her tea black coz she says she doesn't like milk. *aghast* XD when i asked her how she got enough calcium then, she told me that she takes calcium tablets.
-after she finished her cuppa tea, sharon gave ela a short massage. she's back next saturday, but came late and had to leave early coz her son, mackenzie, the one with aspergers syndrome, has got a virus! >< hope he'll get well soon~
-sharon took me once to the loo before she left, but i couldn't return online, coz sadly, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do some stupid lesson planning exercise thing for that stupid volunteering course that she's forcing me to take. well, really, i just scribed for her.
-one loo trip after that, then PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to practise piano for like twenty-five minutes. like i keep saying, i don't really mind, coz piano playing's always been one of my loves before the unfaithful god snatched it away from me. ><
-dinner afterwards: rice, lotsa little tong vegetable, several chunks of beef and two wee slices of egg, which of course i saved for last. dinner was washed down with one mug of rice green tea, hopefully sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i went once to the loo before returning online.
-toms: bible study resumes! gosh, i'm hoping that dad'll just drop me off @ the entrance; elf's not really looking forward to more ouchy walking. but it's just ouchy pain, not like searing on-fire agony, so i can endure till tuesday. hopefully! XD
-any chance that we'll have lunch @ plaza toms? prolly not, but hey, it never hurts to hope!
-also fingers crossed i'll get some visitors in the arvo, else my memoirs are still waiting attention! righteo, hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

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