Sunday, October 30, 2011

sunday post67c

hello again! em's new plodding total for sunday now stands @ 1767, and the new spam count for the weekend's now three. righteo, continuing events?
-i tried listening to the news online, but without success.
-instead, PIG mum demanded that i shower. poor ela. >< but she GAVE ME A PINKY-PROMISE THAT SHE'D BUY ME AN I-PAD provided i do everything that she says! XD
-back outside, two things were brought to our attention: (1) poor aunty a can't come for dinner, coz she's feeling crook >< and (2) oh noes! >< old old grandma's in hospital coz she fell over! >< but hope she's gonna be alright!
-mm, i can smell dinner; eft's growling, "feed me!" Xd
-well, fingers crossed that i can come back online after dinner, else it's just that stupid TAFE course toms. fingers crossed we can have red roosters for lunch and that PIG mum'll lemme buy a yummy custard and apple danish for arvo tea! i've prolly got another torture session with vincent the bloody physio, too. ><
em. ^^

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