Tuesday, October 25, 2011

tuesday post66b

good evening! em's final, final plodding total now stands @ 2252 but i'm really still owed ONE HOUR and NINETEEN MINUTES online!! >< but final, final events for today?
-mandeep arrived - she's from india!
-a nice hot shower for me first - hairwash today. also thanks to mandy (she told me to call her that) who rinsed out my hair for me, freeing era to hold my stupid right eye shut.
-i had one tinkle before mandy flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me, i got creamed and had another tinkle. mandy rekitted me, and i had one more tinkle when whe was doing elf's AFO straps.
-after mandy rinsed the floor for me once, i held her hand and walked out to the gobbling :P table for my delicious arvo tea - half of the bacon, steak and cheese yatala pie PIG mum had got from yatala pies. :) i also drank one mug of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-then i taught mandy how to massage ela. ela got massaged for about twenty minutes, green with blue spots today.
-mandy told me that she's a nurse! and she's heard of alma/aman before!
time to head out, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to mandy's car. lol, but i still find it hilarious that PIG mum NEVER helps me with my seatbelt whenever we're alone, but whenever there's someone around to watch her, she ALWAYS helps me buckle it! XD
-mandy tootled us off to QUT for toastmasters. she didn't need her tomtom coz i knew how to get there; we only had to ask for directions for the building where toastmasters was gonna be held for tonight.
-mandy took me once to the loo before toastmasters started, and i let era open the taps lotsa 2.5x.
-just a small meeting tonight; only ten people. amy did an awesome speech!
-during the break, i went and chatted with our visiting area govenor! he's got a seventeen year old daughter who's very talented in french.
-wow, michael chose me first for table topics! "what was your first childhood memory?" well, i could hardly tell them about me sitting on dearest grandma's lap when she was doing a number two! XD instead, i said i was a dumb child who didn't really remember anything until i started kindy, accidentally sneezed @ a classmate, didn't know the difference between 'deliberately' and 'accidentally', said i sneezed over her deliberately, then got sent to the naughty corner and had to apologise to her in front of the whole class! only afterwards did i ask the teacher, "what does deliberately and accidentally mean?" XD
-after the meeting, the area govenor said i was really funny and should enter the area competition held this saturday @ padua college! i said sorry, no can do, coz i'm tutoring.
-mandy took me to the loo once more and i again let era open the tap lotsa times.
-then mandy tootled me home. i was confused why her tom-tom kept telling her to head in the opposite direction, until she explained, "it's set for my house." oh. XD
-back home, i went to the loo once (of course PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything), then dinner was one bowl of spaghetti with fish. hey, i thought that we were gonna eat pie! but PIG mum said that dad didn't wanna eat pie, and they went out instead. *sigh* another time that PIG mum gets to eat out when i don't. :( damn that kris. ><
-toms: argh, it's a bloody torture session with vincent the physio @ 10:30. fingers crossed i'll only lose two immunities and have one to spare for next week!
-aunty wendy's coming @ 11:30. PIG mum's going grocery shopping.
-jenny's coming for a meeting @ 2pm. hopefully i can plead my case well!
-carol's coming in the arvo - hungry's overjoyed; can he hang in there until she arrives? personally, i think aunty wendy's gonna rip his head off. XD
-almost forgot! ela fed hungry today; he became so excited, his head fell off! luckily, PIG mum was there @ the time and re-attached him.:P
-best of all, ice-cream night toms night! :D righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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