Sunday, October 2, 2011

sunday post62b

good evening! still no plodding total from me. >< but TWFT topic's 'you are blessed for a reason' and the spam count for the week's five. righteo, continuing today's events?
-letty arrived first! she said pole was coming. she also told me to google 'parks in eight mile plains' coz she was thinking of us all going to one!
-when pole arrived, she checked out the map with letty and they decided 'twas too hard to get to one.
-instead, after i went to the loo once, we all sat down and played uno! pole's got some weid rule that says everyone must change hand's when a zero's played, and two people must change hands when a seven's played.
-then we just chatted lots.
-when they left, i watched the NRL grand final and rang aunty nga. :) mickey's being a total brat! XD
-only then, PIG mum forced me off for a shower. poor ela, poor neck. ><
-only the suffering wasn't over yet. ouchie calf stretch afterwards. ><
-then more exercises. argh. ><
-dinner afterwards: rice, some 'wai sang' (say that in canto), lotsa little tong vegetable, i've forgotten, coz the parents are telling me to hurry up and finish! ><
-loo trip before i returned online.
-PIG mum fixed pedro! :D plodding total, much more than 1577.
-toms: no physio! :D just that stupid TAFE course. fingers crossed for a pork salad roll, chocolate milk and custard and apple danish afterwards! and carol's coming to shower me; hungry's overjoyed. XD righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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