Thursday, October 27, 2011

thursday post 66b

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 5128. awesome, i'm over five grand. :) righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-cathy arrived more than forty minutes late! she explained that a car had collided with a truck, which had collided with a motorbike, and that there had been ambulances and police and fire trucks everywhere! that was @ the miles platting and logan road intersection, BTW.
-she Forced me to walk into the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also much thanks to cathy who rinsed out my hair for me, thus leaving era free to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before cathy flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me and i had another tinkle. after getting creamed, cathy rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps.
-after cathy rinsed under the chair for me, i held her hand and walked out to the gobbling table for arvo tea.
-whopee! cathy fed me the perfect arvo tea! that's FIVE times this month! :D
-after i'd munched away, cathy gave ela a massage for around twenty-five minutes, painting her brown with dark green spots today.
-she took me to the toilet once before she left.
-PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to practice piano for ages. like i keep saying, i don't really mind, coz piano playing's always been sth i've loved doing, even after the unfaithful god totaly destroyed my life. :(
-but then dad came home and took us out to garbo for the late night shopping! :D it's almost the end of october, and it's the FIRST time we've all been out together for the late night shopping! :D
-dinner first: PIG mum bought sushi, we also shared a fish (dad thought 'twas chicken! XD someone's got wrong tastebuds, him or us, though?! :P) wrap and small chips from oporto. dad drank coke, PIG mum and i shared a 500mL aloe vera from hanaichi.
-dad wanted to check out vodaphone; i held his hand and walked into the store. damn, no seats to plonk down on. >< then we went to the telstra shop downstairs.
-but i tried this really cool acer IA501 tablet thing! i immediately jumped onto facebook to announce that! XD kwany and michael leung immediately left me comments! XD
-next, dad and i sat outside woolies while PIG mum went to windowshop.
-then we went over to the fruit shop and picked ya pears for me. :) the store owner's one of dad's customers!
-last stop, breadtop for my sausage bun! :D sadly, they were all out of the triple spring onion buns and the double sausage buns, though. :(
-dad tootled us home. i went once more to the loo then returned online.
-toms: UQ physio @ 10:30. fingers crossed PIG mum'll take me to see naz for a burger afterwards! aunty lucia's coming to shower me @ 5pm, then i'm off to SHINE fellowship @ night! i think thomas is concluding his bible study from first corinthians? righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms! :D
em. ^^

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