Sunday, October 16, 2011

sunday post64d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 3598.
-well, this time, PIG mum's excuse why she wouldn't watch me walk safely to the loo and back was coz she was giving dad a massage. fair enough.
-i rang aunty nga after dinner. uncle fung answered, said aunty nga was mad @ him - coz the silly man somehow dropped his mobile into the loo! XD
-toms: just that stupid TAFE course that PIG mum's gleefully forcing me to attend.
-fingers crossed that PIG mum'll take me for lunch @ red rooster/maccas afterwards; i'm seriously craving some chips, coz PIG mum wouldn't lemme eat any this week! ><
-i've actually asked PIG mum to please change my torture session with vincent the bloody physio to monday, coz one physio session's a day's enough to bugger me out completely. i don't need more! ><
-carol's coming to shower me in the arvo. fingers crossed i can get a yummy custard and apple danish for arvo tea! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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