Sunday, October 30, 2011

sunday post67b

hello again! em's new plodding total for sunday now stands @ 1602. yeah, i'm over 1.5 grand. :) righteo, continuing today's events?
-lee arrived awhile after kwany. i went to the loo once, then we sat down to watch the episode of house that PIG mum had taped for me on friday! i didn't like the episode, though, because chase wasn't in it. XD
-much thanks to lee who brought harsiubing! i munched one chocolate, while lee and kwany had one peanut one each. also thanks to lee who passed me half a mug of milk; i used that as my one to hold 'incorrectly'.
-after watching house, we watched celebrity apprentice for awhile. lol, i only recognised pauline hanson. XD
-i went to the loo once more, then kwany taught me how to play poker.
-in the end, lee emerged as the winner; kwany and i were completely bankrupt. XD i think i'll stick with bejeweled, thanks! XD
-when they left, i went once to the loo, then returned online.
em. ^^

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