Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Post 443b

 Heylo again and potentially one final greeting for Friday! Em's potential final, final plodding total for today now stands @ 2427. Lol, I'm certain I'll have cracked 2.5 grand before Friday ends! XD Righteo, potential final, final events for Friday?

  • After breakfast, I sit once more over the loo. There, I do a stinky unspeakable, also leaning fully against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!

  • After washing and drying Era, I climb into the passenger seat of Auto (pronounced Alto) and Peggy tootles me off to Breathe for physio. Thanks to her who helped me buckle my seatbelt all day.
  • Physio today: .067km bike, 36 assisted, 36 rows for Ela, 36 hamstring curls for Elf, 36 leg extensions for Elf boxing! Apparently, I'll have the next fortnight off from Breathe physio since Winnie and Shirley are holidaying overseas? Must ask PIG mum.
  • I used the ambulant toilet once (CZ258's the keycode into the locked door, I'm writing since there's absolutely nothing worth stealing inside XD) Peggy tootled us off to  Rochedale Coles to buy groceries. 'Twas her first time there!
  • Peggy grabbed a trolley for us; I bought the groceries dad wanted, and she bought a BBQ chook! My tummy hoped she'd get a drumstick? XD
  • Back home I took a nice hot shower - hairwash today. Also thanks to Peggy who helped me rinse out my hair, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
  • Dried, creamed and rekitted, Peggy made me a tuna in tomato and onion tostie with TWO cheese and buttered HEAVILY plus one big mug of white tea with two sugars! My only regret's that we ran outta time to share her BBQ chook. >< XD
  • After sitting over the loo for one quick tinkle, I signed Peggy off with my thanks and byes. She's back same time next Friday..
  • When Dorrie arrived I waited for dad to let her in. Think the FitMi stuff was uncharged since we couldn't get it to work? Doesn't matter, Ela just spent one hour doing unfunctional exercises for Dorrie, who kindly walked behind me back to the gobbling :P table before she left.
  • Arvo tea was one yummy banana, one plain cracker and another big mug of white tea, although this cup was obviously without any sweetener! Happiness was reading the Robin Hobb novel for one hour; today I reached pg. 100 @ 3:46pm.
  • One more tinkle for me before I returned online~
  • Looking forward to watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's) for the 149TH time! Not looking forward to watching how the Broncos season ended, though ... >< *cringe* XD
  • Toms: hmm ... I'm not getting any support until 3pm for two hours and it's TBA? Fingers crossed dad'll help me up before 9:45am and take me aisle walking while grocery shopping else expect a super-pissy plodding total from me. Wonder can I read for three hours toms and presuming we'll play table tennis @ church together?
  • Anyways, hopefully bbl after dinner tonight, else wishing everyone a smashing weekend ahead!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's, read by Andrew Lofthouse and Melissa Downes) for the 149TH time: Chicco, Henry, Warboys, Webb, Geran, Davis, White (heard), Arvier, Dick, Tomasi, Jud (first name), Gray, Biden, Probyn, Stokes,  Dalton,Fullagar, Crothers, Albanese, Allan, Minns, Palfrey, Lawrence, Ryan, Biden, Slipper, Gregan, Burgess (heard), Cook (heard), Hetherington, Riki, Godfrey, Hodge, Didier, Low, Parker, Voss, Curnow (heard), Cavallaro, Struh, Stephen, Sydes, Slater, Walker (heard), Chin Fat, Urban, Tapper, Pegula, Sabalenka, Purcell (heard), Arnold, Keary (heard), Oates, Walters, Paige, Valma (first name),  Chrystal, Ellis, Dalton (heard) and Kohler (heard). Chris Kohler read the finance report. 67.29USc = 1AUD.Dominique Loudon read the sports report and Ebony Cavallaro read the weather report  from Mt. Cootha. Brisbane was 12-25 today. Brisbane toms: 14-28. Mt. Gravatt toms: 12-28.  Sunrise 5:54am Sunset 5:39pm

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