Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Post 443b

 Heylo again and good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 2381 and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Songs Of Conquest'. Righteo, continuing today's events?

  • Last time I turned back when we reached the bridge (the family option) but this time dad pushed me all the way to the coffee cart and we shared an iced chai! I walked @ the beginning but then dad just told me to sit; on the way back I reminded him to lemme walk again and this time he lemme walk to the bridge.
  • Back @ the starting point everyone got mini KKats and a small pack of chicken-flavoured crisps!
  • Dad tootled us home, I used the loo for one tinkle and then sat @ the gobbling :P  table and rung CODA on-call to find out who was minding me from 3pm till 5pm today. Jaydn answered and said Tanje!
  • Lunch with two minute noodles with lotsa lettuce, lotsa soup potato, lotsa soup tomato, lotsa soup carrot, one lil piece of soup pork and one lil piece of chicken.
    Em. ^^

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