Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday Post 443c

 Good afternoon and potentially one final greeting for today! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Thursday now stands @ 2278. Anyways, potential final, final events for today?

  • At 11:45am I used the loo for one tinkle and then sat @ the gobbling :P table to eat one bowl of rice leftovers for lunch.
  • The roster said Karina was coming @ 12:15pm but Kelly came instead! She said CODA had only called her this morning; presuming Karina suddenly became unavailable? Have sent her a text asking after her.
  • NAB physio today with Dana: Walking along the parallel bars with stepping for both legs sideways and down, thirty sit-to-stands with left and forward weightshift and ten laps short hallway walking. Mrs. Hoppie has returned and Dana tells me that while none of the CEs has a proper 'cranky teacher voice', Gem has the best 'no-nonsense' teacher voice. XD Best of all, Mrs. Hoppie has returned and Gem gave me one little chocolate Freddo frog before I left!
  • I sat once more over the loo for two tinkles before Kelly tootled me home for a nice hot shower - hairwash today. Also thanks to her who helped me rinse out my hair, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
    Dried, creamed and rekitted, arvo tea was one yummy banana, half a plain cracker and thanks to Kelly who made me one big mug of white tea sweetened with one spoonful of honey!
  • Happiness was reading the Robin Hobb novel for one hour; today I reached pg. seventy-five @ 4:06. At 3:45pm I signed Kelly off with my thanks and byes, although I've already forgotten when she's back next.
  • After one more tinkle, I walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting him push me over.
  • Looking forward to watching the 6pm news (Seven's) for the 148TH time!
  • Then fingers crossed dad'll take us for a PROPER dinner out @ some RESTAURANT; not the food court!!
  • Best of all, it's ice cream night tonight; like I always say, a very little's better than none @ all!
  • Toms: Peggy's minding me from 8:45 till 1pm and taking me to Breathe for physio.
  • Presuming we'll buy groceries before heading home for shower and lunch; must remember to buy Mr. Hall a condolence card.
  • Can't remember will Dorrie come and give Ela one hour of unfunctional hand exercises @ 1/2pm but after she leaves I'm looking forward to reading the Robin Hobb novel for one hour and  watching the 6pm news (Seven's) for the 14TH time!
  • Anyways, hopefully bbl after dinner else wishing everyone a smashing end to their week toms!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news (Seven's, read by Max Futcher) for the 148TH time: Baxter (heard), Livingstone, Miles, Coutts-Trotter, Kingsun (heard), Hackett, Van Lunterern  (heard), Shorten, Albanese (heard), Rudd (heard), Gillard (heard), Abbott (heard), Morrison (heard), Whelan Brown, Burley,  Blowers,Morcombe, Bissell, Taunoa, Brace, Bullock, Tindall, Lester, Jud (first name), Watt, Fagan (heard), Herbie (first name), Kroehn, Gillmeister, Simpson, Schrieber, Liev (first name), Gunn, Hogan, Sinner (heard), Pegula (heard), Draper, Curnow, Starcevich (heard), Kidman, Husic, Hornby, Cooke, Holland, Hui Madigan, Bromwich, Downie, Carmody, Leary, Alexa (first name) and Jensen. 167.24= 67.24UScAlisa Smith read the sports report and Michelle Jensen read the weather report. Brisbane was 12-24. Brisbane toms:13-26. Mt. Gravatt toms: 11-25. Sunrise 5:56am Sunset 5:38pm

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