Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday Post 298d

Good evening and whoops I accidentally reset Wally. XD So just noting down that I'm still owed TWENTY-THREE MINUTES online after I use the loo once more and just briefly, continuing tonight's events?
  • When PIG mum came and helped me up, I immediately wished her a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • Munched two dry (no honey) Weet-Bix for breakfast, watched the beginning of the Boxing Day cricket test match then did a stinky unspeakable.
  • Dad took us to Carindale for the Boxing Day Sales! When I first climbed into the boot I immediately checked the backseat and my heart plummeted because Sparkless3 wasn't there, but I told myself I wouldn't complain even if the parents wouldn't lemme use the manual wheelchair coz today was PIG mum's birthday and goodness I didn't want her bitching again that I'd spoiled it for her... you can imagine my total extreme relief when dad then went and put Sparkless3 into the backseat, phew!!!
  • Dad found normal parking outside and after I sat into Sparkless we went down two/three flights of escalators before reaching the shopping centre proper.
  • I scored first: an Olaf tee from JayJays! I immediately decided to pester PIG mum all day with the 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman song. XD Dad bought himself a singlet there, too. Mostly, dad just dragged us to all his favourite shops, like Kathmandu, etc. PIG mum popped into Priceline and redeemed her ten free birthday dollars.
  • For lunch, I got a crepe from the Crepe Cafe; the last time I ate from there was the one @ Garbo before my brain injury! PIG mum got a chicken katsudon and dearest dad got three sushi rolls; we just shared~ There was dessert, too: dad bought a coffee and two donuts from the Donut King and tore me half a donut.
    Em. ^^

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