Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday post 238c

Good evening again! Em’s new plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 3460. Anyways, continuing tonight’s events?
  • So a nice hot shower for me – I washed and rinsed my own hair today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sang 22% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • I had one tinkle before I flipped the nice hot water off, got dried, got creamed and had another tinkle. Carol rekitted me, and I had one last tinkle when I was drying inside the ears with a square of toilet paper.
  • Back outside, arvo tea was one delicious pear (I finally remembered to tell Carol she didn’t need to dice the pear into that many tiny little pieces; quartering the pear’s enough) and thanks to Carol for a mug of white tea with two sugars! Like I’ve probably said before, probably the only thing I miss about hospital life’s that I got six cups of white tea every day, while nowadays I’m lucky to get three on Saturdays! My main joy, however, was getting to read for one more hour (only Saturdays will I get the chance to spend 1/8 of the day reading)! As for Carol, after cleaning the bathroom she sat and very gently massaged Ela for forty-five minutes, painting her iridescent blue with grey spots today.
  • After watching the sports report, I used the loo once more for two tinkles and Carol changed my pad for me.
Em. ^^

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