Monday, April 9, 2018

Tuesday Post 235

Good afternoon! Firstly, today I’ve been hard @ work plodding 2364 steps today and secondly, TWFT topic’s ‘Position Yourself To Receive’ but thirdly and way most importantly, I’m really still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-SIX MINUTES online when I get back home from Toastmasters tonight!1 but just noting down that I enjoyed my 2nd consecutive awesome sleep last night (bid Daddy Bear sweet dreams, fell asleep and didn’t wake till 6:35am, same as yesterday) and then I had another dream! For my 23rd dream for 2018, PIG mum’s about to ring Carol, coz it’s already 4:08pm but she hasn’t arrived to take me to Toastmasters yet, when suddenly Cathay Community Association rings and offers me a spot in some new program they’re running! Had physio @ the NAB: my new student’s for the next five week’s called Leah, she just turned twenty-one @ the beginning of this year and celebrated by travelling around Europe! Physio today: barefoot Elf, reaching for Era, weight bearing for Elf. Twenty-five sit-to-stands then two laps alow walking the hallway with weight shifting. Afterwards, we hit Sunnybank Plaza for free cone day! We ALMOST got a park upstairs, but this elderly couple took the last spot. Amazingly, we found one near the cinemas and most amazingly, there was only a line-up wait for eight minutes; last year was like forty-five! But disaster: I asked the guy for a big scoop; he gave me such a big one it literally just toppled from the cone when we were walking into Café Mi to sit down! I wailed @ PIG mum to save it, coz the rest was still fine and phew, she did, so I didn’t miss out on too much. Had one sushi roll (no soya sauce) for lunch then hiked all the way down to Coles to buy milk before seeing Aunty Ann for a comfy massage. Carol’s taking me to Toastmasters tonight, so fingers crossed she’ll lemme buy some dinner back home from Maccas; never mind that Happy Meals were what I had surely MORE THAN TWO DECADES ago! Toms Aunty Deana will mind me from 10:30am till 1:30pm so must remember to do my GCCW homework. I’ve got upper limb session for Ela from 2pm till 3:30, meaning Kim’s coming to mind me from 4:30pm till 6:30pm; I look forward to watching twenty-five minutes of Seven’s news with her! Wednesday night’s actually ice cream night, but you can PIG mum on’t lemme have any, citing I had my cone today.>< *sigh* She’s spiteful like that … anyways, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!


Em. ^^

P.S. Never mind I haven’t achieved my two games of Bejeweled today, one lasting between five and six minutes and the other six and seven; I’ve just played one lasting 7:02. XD

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