Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday Post 288c

Good evening again! Firstly, Em’s new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 2107 but secondly and way more importantly, I’m still owed SEVEN MINUTES online after I use the loo once more @ 9pm!! Righteo, continuing tonight’s events?

  • Physio today: barefoot Elf weight bearing, reaching for Era, wrist flexion for Ela, walking twelve minutes on treadmill speed reaching 3.2km/hr, Ela stabilising cup, abduction and getting up from floor off mats six/sevcen times. Sth hilarious happened: I’d gotten onto the treadmill and Ethan pressed the power button; when nothing turned on he dropped to the floor and like crawled under the machine to turn it on. I drop my head near his and mutter, “Oi, I warned you about this last time. Pull your daks up; I can see your knickers!” Ethan does so, wriggles back out then whines, “But I had to turn the treadmill on for you!” “So?’ I retort. “There are things called belts. Buy one!’ XD
  • After one more loo trip, PIG mum tootles us home. Correction: we stop off @ Aunty Carly’s place to leave her my parking permit; PIG mum also gives her a hairy melon.
  • That means we’re about eight minutes late getting home; luckily, Kim knows to wait. The other bonus was that I didn’t need to turn the alarm off~
  • So a nice hot shower for me – I wash and rinse my own hair today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sing 22% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • I had one tinkle before I flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helped me dry my back, both legs and Era), mostly creamed myself (again, thanks to Kim who kindly helped me cream my back, both calves and Era) then mostly rekitted myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helped me with Erf’s sock, Elf’s AFO and both laces). Then I used the loo for one tinkle, dried inside both ears, washed and dried Era then walked myself slowly and safely out to the gobbling :P table, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Arvo tea’s one yummy pear; thanks to Kim for one mug of white tea with two teaspoonfuls of sugar. 
  • Happiness is getting to read for thirty minutes before the news happens; today I reach page fifty @ 5:30pm.
  • After Kim cleans the bathroom, she sits and very gently and very sporadically massages Ela for one hour. Thanks to Kim who also shares one MSG cracker with seaweed with me! Actually, the packet contains two; we have one each. Originally, she’s unsure if there’s any nuts in it; I sniff the cracker then assure her there’s not. However, once I take a bite I then make choking noises like I’m going into anaphylactic shock; obviously I’m a terrible actress coz Kim just snorts with laughter then totally ignores me, continuing her massage of Ela. XD
  • Yay that we get to watch twenty-five minutes of Seven’s news together! The most interesting surnames I see:  Repachouli, Baud, Fearnley, Lyonga, Greenhalgh, Whitfeld, Al Thani, Frydenberg, Grimes, Butler and Zuckerberg.
  • At 6:25pm, I walk myself slowly and safely once to the loo for two tinkles then back online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Kim’s back toms from 3:40 till 5:40 coz I’ve got book club! However, she comes back @ 7:12pm coz she’s left her mobile phone beside the printer. XD
  • I tootle happily online until the parents call dinner.


Em. ^^

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