Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday Post 276f

One final good evening! I’m just gonna leave my final, final plodding total for Wednesday @ 2500 and hope Wally makes more sense toms. XD EWlse hopefully PIG mum’ll lemme use the new one we collected from the post office recently. Righteo, final, final events for Wednesday?

  • When I finished Book One (the twentieth episode), I walked myself slowly and safely once more to the loo for one tinkle and back, again and always rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Tonight’s ice cream night, yay for that! Like I always say, a very little’s better than none @ all! Lately, however, horrid PIG mum’s been denying me even my measly flat spoonful and a half of ice cream … if she does that again tonight, I’m gonna sing myself to sleep (hopefully I’ll stay awake after counting to 500) then I’ll ask Carol please to take me to Maccas through the drive-thru for a soft serve. She should agree, unlike Kim who refuses. Anyhow, fingers crossed!
  • Toms: like I’ve just said, Carol’s taking me for my weekly shopping trip! Looking forward to catching up with Pastor Grace and Naomi for lunch, too~
  • Then hopefully dearest dad will take PIG mum and I out for dinner together toms night, because I’m not free Friday (the Broncos are playing the Storm) and PIG mum’s probably not free Saturday, coz she works in the morning (just half the day) and usually says she’sa too tired.
  • Righteo, hope everyone’s having a smashing week!


Em. ^^

P.S. Tee hee, today I’ve managed SIX posts! That’s even rarer than five! XD

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