Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday Post 392b

 Good evening and one final greeting for tonight! Em's final, final plodding total for Friday now stands @ 3557. Ha, I'm just over 3.5 grand. XD Righteo, final, final events for tonight?

  • After publishing the previous post, I continued writing my personal blog post.
  • At 9pm, I walked myself once more slowly and safely to the loo for one tinkle and back, again and always rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Toms: excitement! Since we're attending Aggie's and Kalos' wedding @ like 1:30pm, PIG mum's gotten Hannah to come mind me from 9-1 instead of 10-2. The only weird thing will be that I've gotta shower in the morning toms, but hey. Since it's an arvo wedding, we'll eat lunch and head out; after the ceremony there'll be light refreshments and straight after that pre-dinner drinks and then the reception! Luckily the weather forecast predicts only a 10% chance of rain so hopefully we'll be alright.
  • May haveta write a placeholder post for toms come Sunday; I rather doubt I'll get any of my most important two hours of the day online toms ... *sigh*
  • Will also try ringing Aunty Lai tonight instead, coz dunno what time the reception will end!
  • Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend ahead!
    Em. ^^

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