Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday Post 393d

 Good evening! Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 2105; ha, I'm over two grand. XD Anyways, potential final, final events for tonight?

  • After sending my 'grumpy' email to Mr. Jig-Air (I cc'd Mrs. Hoppie into it XD), I got offline and headed over to the gobbling :P table, calling upstairs to PIG mum I'm gonna read now; could you please gimme some arvo tea?
  • PIG mum passes Era one little banana and shakes out four little Hello Panda with green tea filling inside for me! Arvo tea's washed down with one mug of Chinese tea.
  • During and after munchies, I happily read The Barefoot Surgeon for one hour and four minutes, reaching pg. 400 @ 4:39pm, reaching pg. 325 @ 5:11pm, reaching pg. 350 @ 5:17 and FINISHING THE BOOK @ 5:23! Usually I just read for one hour but today I saw I was so close to finishing the book I just kept reading.
  • Before returning online, I used the loo for one one more tinkle.
  • For some reason computer Facebook doesn't gimme notification for choir rehearsal? Joinming twenty-five minutes late via mobile. XD
  • Hopefully bbl after dinner, else hope everyone's having a smashing week!
    Em. ^^

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