Saturday, September 3, 2011

saturday post57b

good evening! em's new plodding total now stands @ 1740. righteo, continuing events?
-it wasn't sharon, but cathy, who arrived to shower me this arvo!
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today.
-i had one tinkle before cathy flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me and i had another tinkle. then i got creamed and rekitted, having one more tinkle when cathy went out to find a bra for me, and one last when she was doing elf's AFO straps.
-after rinsing the floor once for me, cathy Forced me to walk to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-i was grumpy, coz dad had gleefully restricted me to just a pear for arvo tea, but still said he'd only lemme eat a lil for dinner!! >< i mean, fair enough, if i had a yummy toastie for arvo tea, i wouldn't care how much i got for dinner, but if i got only a pear for arvo tea, surely i'd be able to eat as much as i wanted for dinner! >< cathy was unhelpful, coz she wouldn't even feed me a slice of cheese. :(
-but not only was cathy unhelpful, she was lazy, too: i finished the yummy nashi @ 5:10pm, and asked cathy to please start massaging ela.she refused, so i read for five more minutes before trying to ask her again to please start massaging ela. another refusal. another five minutes of reading, before i asked for the third time, to please start massaging ela @ 5:20pm. she finally got up, but went to wash the dishes and used the loo once before finally coming to massage ela, somewhat after 5:25pm. and she stopped precisely @ 5:50pm, actually, probably just before.
cathy took me once more to the toilet for just one tinkle. but, she only gave me time for one tinkle before saying 'twas time and got me back to the computer. but 'twas only 5:54pm, so i refused to sign her off.
-suddenly PIG mum came downstairs and asked, "em, why are you still in pyjamas? we've guests tonight!" oh. XD cathy changed me, i signed her off with a sad face and she left promptly @ 6pm. she's back on tuesday, and have i said yet? she's having beef curry for dinner tonight.
-well, vincent the physio and kat jie jie are over now. we're just waiting for aunty a, then we can eat!
maybe i'll come back tonight. cya~
em. ^^

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