Thursday, September 1, 2011

thursday post 58b

good evening! em's new plodding total for thursday now stands @ 2787. righteo, continuing today's events? -when cathy came, we just chatted for about fifteen minutes before she Forced me to walk into the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also thanks to cathy who rinsed out my hair for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut. -i had one tinkle before cathy flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me and i had another tinkle, then there was a brief wait when cathy went to find PIG mum to ask her about some dressings for era and erf. afterwards, i got creamed and she rekitted me, then i had one more tinkle when she was doing erf's shoe. -after she rinsed the floor for me once, cathy Forced me to walk to the freezer for the bread, Forced me to walk to the fridge for the bread, cheese, ham and mayo, Forced me to walk to the benchtop where i made my toastie - and cathy only allowed me one cheese, meaning 'twas ENTIRELY too thin - Forced me to walk back to the freezer to put away the bread and Forced me to walk back to the gobbling :P table. -first i ate one yummy nashi pear, before tucking into my toastie, which was cut into four triangles. -cathy started giving ela her massage when i asked her, whilst i was gulping down my sandwich. she got painted sth like bright orange with bright red spots today. cathy's back next tuesday, and she's having oven baked battered fish and salad for dinner tonight. -@ 5:55, cathy Forced me to walk to the toilet once more for one tinkle, Forced me to walk over to wash and dry era, and Forced me to walk back to the computer table. -i signed her off with a :o( face. carol gets nothing, coz while she too doesn't lemme hold her hand and only gives me one slice of cheese also, she's @ least interesting to talk to. -dearest dad's just come home. :) wonder why PIG mum hasn't rushed downstairs pretending she's been up all along? XD oh, that's right, poor PIG mum's feeling crook, as she instantly told cathy the moment she arrived in the arvo. -anyways, fingers crossed i can come back online after dinner, else hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms! cheers, em. ^^ P.S. this new layout looks ... weird. but it's nice. :)

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