Friday, September 9, 2011

saturday post59

hello again! em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @972 and now i'm still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY MINUTES online after whoever's coming to shower me leaves!! righteo, events for today?
-i used the pot :P twice last night and once more this morning, after PIG mum left for work without saying bye to me! ><
-but then i had a quiet chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. then i cuddled florence and we returned to our happy snorings.
-tess came promptly @ 10am, and after giving me fifteen more minutes (she always says ten, but i always get @ least fifteen. XD
-actually, just went once to the loo. couldn't be bothered disturbing PIG mum, and i didn't fall. :) new final plodding total, 1034. awesome, i'm just over one grand. :) anyways, where was i?
-tess got me kitted, then led me over to the bathroom, where i brushed my teeth. thanks to tess who squirted out some toothpaste for me.
-afterwards, i went and did a stinky unspeakable.
-out @ the gobbling :P table, tess folded one slice of toast with a lil egg, ham and one slice of cheese. i also drank one mug of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-after breakfast, tess massaged ela for forty-five minutes. she told me that the doctors had basically euthanised poor jamie-lynn; i never knew humans could be legally euthanised in australia!
-arround midday, tess took me to the bathroom then made me one mug of warm milo, another i could hold 'incorrectly'. then she made some fried rice for my lunch; i beat the eggs for her.
-before she left, tess took me once more to the loo. she says that elsa's thinking about becoming a dental assistant!
-as usual, dad only gave me half a bowl of fried rice, plus lotsa soup vegetables. i also had one chunk of sea cucumber with a lil soya sauce and oyster sauce - 'twas SLIMY! XD
-then i went over to the computer and printed out questions for jack.
-one more bathroom trip for me, just as jack arrived.
-we've almost finished the book! i even set him THREE chapters this week! granted, chapter thirty-five's very short.
-hey, the doorbell just rung - but it's 4:18!
-hey, sharon's here now! bbl!
em. ^^

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