Saturday, September 10, 2011

saturday post58d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for saturday now stands @ 2910. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-we're outta mayo, too! so arvo tea for me was just a toastie with two slices of cheese, cut into four squares, one crunchy pear and one cup of tea, white and two, my official cup for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-poor sharon hasn't been here for three weeks coz she fell down the stairs and badly bruised both arms! >< but she was well enough to give ela a massage for a good twenty-five minutes, painting her sth like orange with yellow spots today.
-she took me once more to the loo for one tinkle before she left.
-PIG mum came downstairs and gleefully FORCED :( poor em to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill, before she plodded her own twenty while i watched the broncos take on the new zealand warriors!
-aunty a arrived for dinner. dad made western fried rice tonight! that was with lotsa yummy broccoli and carrots. dinner was washed down with one mug of rice green tea, hopefully sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey.
-*sigh* again, PIG mum decided that her dinner was more important to her than to watch her only disabled daughter walk safely to the bathroom and back. but i didn't fall. :)
-and i just went again. i didn't bother asking PIG mum to watch me this time. no point in wasting my breath.
-well, PIG mum and aunty a are yakking away, while dearest dad's giving us very vocal commentary on the broncos vs. warriors game; we're winning! :D
-toms: gosh, the day starts early for me! mr. hall's coming @ 4:30AM to take me to the bridge to brisbane! hope it's fun~ then, @ night, our church's having some mid-autumn festival! hope there'll be mooncake without peanut oil! :D
em. ^^

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