Tuesday, September 6, 2011

tuesday post60c

hello again! em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @ 2742. righteo, continuing events?
-lotsa cone work today for both era and ela today. also several sit-to-stands, and @ the end, i lay down and karen examined elf. i'm about one year older than emma, BTW.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo afterwards, again gleefully forcing me to dak myself.
-i was really tired after that first session. PIG mum told me to close my eyes and rest; i took that advice.
-but i went to buy myself a yummy pork salad roll and chocolate milk for lunch. PIG mum also lemme buy a yummy custard and apple danish, although declaring that i could only eat half. same with the chocolate milk. *sigh*
-BTW, if i suddenly end this post, it'll be coz PIG mum has turned the bloody treadmill on. ><
-back home, i happily munched my yummy lunch. i also rang dearest dad, who said he was @ arana hills, wherever that is.
-i went once more to the loo before my torture session with vincent the bloody physio. >< zero thanks to horrid PIG mum who gleefully forced me to dak myself.
-today, ela did awesome! i even earned myself an immunity! :D vincent also gave me a go on this rowing machine, and i even got a tour of the inside room, which has two single plinths.
-ela nabbed one lolly from the lolly jar before i left. XD i ate it while PIG mum was driving us home.
-back home, i plopped online until cathy arrived, four minutes late today.
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also much thanks to cathy who rinsed out my hair for me, leaving era free to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before cathy flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me and i had another tinkle. i got creamed and another tinkle occurred when cathy went somewhere to find era a band-aid. cathy rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps.
-after cathy rinsed the floor for me, she Forced me to walk to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-first, she cut me up one juicy pear, then i enjoyed half of the apple and custard danish. hey, i wonder if PIG mum'll save me the other half for arvo tea with carol toms?
-i also drank one cup of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'. afternoon tea was finished @ 5:10, and i asked cathy to please start massaging ela, but she refused. i waited another five minutes, reading my john howard autobiography, before asking again @ 5:15pm. she again refused, saying not until 5:25. so i read until 5:25 before asking for the third time would she please start yet? she finally did, after first going to wash the dishes and using the bathroom.
-ela got painted dark blue with light blue spots today. cathy stopped after twenty-five minutes and Forced me to walk to the toilet. i only had one tinkle before she said 'twas time and got me back out, but when i checked the computer clock, 'twas only 5:55pm! so i kept her talking for another nine minutes, before signing her off. she's having steak and vegies for dinner tonight, and will be back on thursday, but won't take me to garbo, coz book club's on! but she reminded me to ring alice toms and ask her could i trade the thursday CAS hours for next thursday; cathy says she's free to take me.
-just finished listening to nine's news simulcast on lightFM.
-well, fingers crossed i can come back online afterwards, else it's just aunty wendy coming to look after me toms.
em. ^^

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