Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sunday Post 234c

Good evening and probably one final greeting for Sunday! Firstly, Em’s probable final, final plodding total for Sunday now stands @ 2826 and secondly, joni’s devotional topic’s ‘’The Passion of The Christ’. Righteo, probable final, final events for Sunday? (But just kinda briefly, coz I’ve only six minutes left online)

  • Dad dropped meoff @ church for ESS. Thanks to Dr. Esther who walked behind me to my usual seat, thus saving me from a potentially disastrous fall.
  • Now @ 8:51, I’ve finished another game of Bejeweled lasting 5:34. That’s today’s quotas satisfied, and I promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD Actually, I further promise not to play again until toms, coz for my first game I already lasted like 7.5 minutes then I even played one more nearing 9.5 mins!
  • For worship today, I sang everything, plus the harmony for two songs; Era also clapped along for another. but like every other week, I meant absolutely NOTHING. >< *sigh*
  • Speaker today was Pastor Chris with his penultimate sermon from his sermon series The Galilaen.
  • Afterwards, I had lunch with Alex and Peter Pie @ the Viet place @ Warrigal Square; I think it’s called Rice Paper Roll? I tried them for the first time; they’re really chewy!
  • Alex drove me to Sunday sport! He has a fancy new car, a Renault~
  • I sat and played table tennis with Aggie and Esther, then Peter taught me how to throw a Frisbee forehand way! I can manage the Frisbee backhand, but am rather too unco to toss the thing forehand. XD Still, ‘twas fun!
  • Peter Pie tootled me home. I used the loo once and was ready to eat arvo tea, shower, eat dinner then watch the Broncos match, but alas, PIG mum had other ideas.
  • Arvo tea was dragon fruit, which she gleefully forced poor Ela to feed me. That I didn’t mind too much, coz I was seated and could fully concentrate.
  • I did mind that afterwards she wouldn’t lemme shower, instead gleefully forcing poor Ela on 40+ minutes of stupid exercises for her. Trust her to time it so that dearest dad would arrive home during this, meaning she could show off to him how much power over me she has and what a piece of sh*t I’ve become. *sigh*
  • So when I showered, I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sang 22% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • Suddenly, dad takes us out to Woka Woka for dinner tonight; PIG mum even lets me choose a dish! Originally I was super-happy that the waiter/in charge dude shouted us one extra bowl of rice coz I thought that meant we could all have one each, but dad instead took one for himself, and one for his lunch toms, thus leaving PIG mum and I to share the third bowl. Obviously, she took a ‘bigger’ (MUCH BIGGER) half. *sigh*
  • Back home, I used the loo once then walked myself slowly and safely online, again and always rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Toms: it’s Easter Monday! Yay for another public holiday; a bigger yay that I won’t haveta see Vincent the bloody physio for my weekly torture session. XD The only downside’s that Kim won’t be minding me from 4pm till 6pm; bet PIG mum’s already gleefully planning how much stress she can imflict on me during my showering process. >< *sigh* Oh, but I’m not gonna get outta bed till 5:50pm and watch the 6pm news unless dad takes us out somewhere toms! XD Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week ahead!


Em. ^^

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