Friday, December 21, 2012

friday post 121c

good evening! em's new plodding total for friday now stands @ 4236, joni's dwvotional topic's 'apples of gold' and the new spam count for this week now stands @ twenty-seven. righteo, continuing today's events?
-sorry i didn't finish my previous post; PIG mum was demanding i get offline immediately so she could force me on doing more stupid exercises for her. >< but returning to today's events:
-i had one tinkle before aunty lucia flipped the nice hot water off, got dried. had another tinkle then got creamed. aunty lucia rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was repinning pedro back onto my pyjama pants.
-aunty lucia Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea, where i had that sacha pork floss bun i'd bought last night. only, 'twas SPICY! >< meaning i asked PIG mum to please pour me one mug of milk, which i drank as the mug i could hold 'incorrectly' for today.
-before aunty lucia left, she took me once more to the loo.
-i returned happily but briefly online. alas, PIG mum gleefully forced me offline after she finished tending to her vegie patch and gleefully forced poor ela on 40+ minutes of stupid exercises, followed by ages more of stick exercises. i had a quick loo break and two tinkles, then walked myself slowly and safely back to the gobbling :P table, where PIG mum gleefully forced poor elf to endure a painful standing calf stretch for fifteen minutes.
-finally, dinnertime! 'twas interesting; there weren't any greens! the rice was PURPLE, the vegies were PURPLE and the meat was WHITE! XD
-dinner was spooned down with one bowl of the usual soup, then i walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-anyways, i haveta go finish leanne's birthday fic now! fingers crossed i can bbl with my final, final plodding total shortly after 9pm, otherwise hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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