Monday, December 24, 2012

tuesday post 119

good afternoon and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 3187 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'the best gift ever!' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed ONE HOUR online when we get back from pole's house tonight!!! righteo, events for today?
-lol, i almost had another awesome night's sleep! when nature called and i had a pot :P trip, 'twas all still pitch black, but once back in bed and cuddling bear bear back to sleep, the sky started lightening! 'oi, you idiot," i grumbled to my bladder, "next time you need to go, wait another ten minutes before calling me!' her response? 'nope. when i've gotta go, you've gotta go too.' huh! XD
-breakfast was two weetbix.
-when dad drove us to church, i happily sang all the secular christmas carols i knew~
-for worship today, i sang everything, meant nothing and also sang the harmony for @ least two songs.
-speaker today was pastor chris; his christmas sermon was from john chapter two.
-afterwards, PIG mum took me once to the loo, a lil morning tea, a quick trip home to change and then dad tootled us off to leanne's place!
-'twas so good to see the yong family! and lee, and aunty dolly and some of their other friends~
-we went present exchanging first~
-for lunch, PIG mum got me almost (but not quite) two platefuls of yummy food; i loved aunty diana's potato bake the best!
-afterwards, leanne took me over to where lee, nat, another boy and another girl were sitting and watching poker on ESPN. hey, i thought ESPN was a sports channel; since when did poker become a sport?
-then, we all played pictionary!
-PIG mum came and took me to the loo; when i needed the loo again, she decided 'twas time we left.
-so dad tootled us home and PIG mum demanded i shower. poor ela. ><
-after i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the computer desk, and i plopped online.
-i think dad's gardening. PIG mum's wrapping xmas pressies. as for me, i'm gonna find out who i still haven't sent my xmas greetings to~
-toms: PIG mum's BIRTHDAY! and boxing day sales! hopefully, dad'll take us to carindale toms, and i can go shopping in sparkless 2. @ night, the chow family's coming over to celebrate PIG mum's birthday and christmas! yeah, PRESENTS! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!!!
em. ^^

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