Monday, December 24, 2012

monday post 111b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for monday now stands @ 3287. righteo, continuing today's events?
-lol, i just finish blogging, when i get the facebook sound 'someone has just messaged you'. @ that exact moment, dearest dad walks inside and says, 'um, em, there's some person @ our front door and she just gave me this really strange look." i laugh and checking that facebook alert, realise that selina had arrived like fifteen minutes early! so, yelling for mum, i have my shower @ like 3:50pm, hairwash today. also thanks to selina who helped me rinse my hair out, thus freeing my right hand to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i have one tinkle before selina flips off the nice hot water, mostly dry myself (selina helps with only era and my back), have another tinkle, then mostly cream myself (selina helps with era, my back, erl and ell). when selina rekits me, i have one more tinkle when she puts elf's AFO on, and one last when she's repinning pedro back onto my pants.
-after rinsing the floor once for me, i hold selina's hand and walk well out to the gobbling :P table to make my arvo toastie, and awesome, selina lemme make a double perfect one! wow, that's the EIGHTH time this month i've enjoyed a perfect toastie! :D
-with that, i drink one mug of twinings english breakfast tea, white sweetened with one spoonful of honey, holding the mug 'incorrectly'.
-at 5:15pm, selina starts massaging ela, and we just chat away. she tells me she's got one older sister (she's about two years older than me herself) and lives somewhere around calamvale.
-at 5:45pm, i hold her hand and walk well to the toilet for two more tinkles.
-maybe PIG mum has already signed selina off? coz she leaves right after i hold her hand and walk well back to the computer.
-anyways, i'm just listening to the news now; think i'll go and keep sending my xmas greetings to peoples~
-fingers crossed i can bbl after dinner with aunty a tonight; if not, wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
em. ^^

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