Sunday, December 30, 2012

sunday post 120b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for sunday now stands @ 8336 (but about 1000 of those steps were plodded last night)  anyways, i've complied with PIG mum's demand that i post about christmas and boxing day this year, so continuing with last night's events?
-after one wee slice of yummy cake, i continued reading until the parents decided 'twas time for home. saying thanks and good night to aunty po yee, i laughed and said, "see you again @ the end of 2013! oh, and i remember: your delicious meat brisket required one salty egg and two normal eggs!" XD
-dad tootled us home; instant bedtime for me. zzz~
-today: lol, last night, my bladder woke me up! "i wanna go," she demanded. "are you busting?" i asked her sleepily. "no, but i wanna go!" "lemme count to 500 first; if we're still awake, then i'll go." counting to 500, my bladder tells me again, "i wanna go!" i silently reply, "sure, if i finish singing my original second-favourite song 100 times and you're still awake, i'll go then." but obviously, i fell asleep before i finished singing and so had a great night's sleep, with nature not calling again till 5:35am, just like yesterday!
-after one pot :P trip, i spend the ten minutes till 5:45am having a mostly silent chat percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through the day, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. then bear bear and i happily cuddle and snore, me waking up once more to use the pot :P before PIG mum comes and pokes me with "fifteen more minutes."
-when she comes back, i use the pot :P once more for @ least three more tinkles. PIG mum gets me kitted for the day, then she gleefully FORCES :( me to walk out to the bathroom to brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCES :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast is two yummy weetbix with the thinnest and shortest stream of honey ever, plus one full mug of water and all my usual drugs.
-after breakfast, dad tootles us off to church. i spend the trip finishing my mostly silent chat to percy.
-at church, PIG mum takes me to the loo once, then i join ESS. today, i sit between michael (ray's stepdad) and pole.
-yay, for worship, i get to stay seated. i sing everything, plus the harmony for one song, but again, the words mean absolutely nothing to me.
-lams was our speaker today! he spoke from some psalm~
-afterwards, - hey, dinnertime! fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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