Friday, February 14, 2020

Saturday Post 304b

Good afternoon again and potentially one final greeting for Saturday! Em's potential final, final plodding total for today now stands @ only 597. Righteo, potential final, final events for Saturday?
  • Exactly two hours after I'd popped online, I'd logged outta everything, used the loo for one tinkle and was walking down the hallway to try find myself some arvo and read awhile longer when idiot Ela accidentally catches the side of the wooden shelf dad has blocked the hallway with, and knocks some light blue glass plate from the shelf, which smashes dramatically along the floor! o_O Whoops; I admittedly walk further down the hall, sit down @ the staircase and yell upstairs @ PIG mum, telling her to take care when she comes downstairs coz there's a smashed plate along the hallway. She hears, comes downstairs immediately and clears the floor while bitching @ me something dreadful that I've smashed the plate dad bought from the Eumundi Markets. I make the mistake of asking her please can I have some arvo tea; she tells me to get myself a banana and later orders me to pour myself one mug of water to wash the banana down with. Thankfully she's already returned upstairs; I grab the smallest mug from the third draw and drink while leaning against the benchtop. Happiness is reading for another thirty-five minutes; it's only Saturdays that I can spend a blessed three hours reading~ Oh, I reached pg. 175 @ 5:10pm, BTW.
  • One more tinkle for me before I return online. PIG mum has demanded I write a note to remind myself to tell dad I smashed a plate because she's unsure she's thoroughly cleaned the area.
  • Hey, maybe I can watch Seven's 6pm news bulletin tonight!
  • Righteo, fingers crossed I can bbl after dinner, else looking forward to seeing everyone @ church toms!
    Em. ^^

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