Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday Post 316e

Good evening again and one final greeting for tonight! Em's final, final plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 1353. Righteo, final, final events for tonight?
  • At 9pm, I walked myself slowly and safely once more to the loo for one tinkle and back,  rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Wish PIG mum hadn't switched my ice cream day to Thursday ... *sigh* Anyhow I'll take my time over the loo tonight and hopefully PIG mum won't turn out the light till 10:20pm else I'll be back in bed before twelve hours have passed and I'll feel like I've wasted the day … *sigh*
  • Toms: Deb's helping me up @ 8am then taking me to GCCW!
  • Even better, I'm meeting Pastors Chris and Grace for lunch @ Woka Underwood!
  • Deb's seeing me home and showered before leaving @ 3:30pm.
  • Fingers crossed dad will take PIG mum and I out for dinner toms night! But if he won't, I'll spend toms night doing assessment for the course Alayna started me on before leaving; the guy has said if if I'll submit another course before the month's end he'll gimme another extension~
  • righteo, hope everyone's having a smashing week!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. Tee hee, today I've managed FIVE posts! Yeah, I can usually accomplish that most Wednesdays ... XD

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