Friday, April 13, 2012

saturday post 86

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1533 steps today (yay, i'm just over 1.5 grand ^^); secondly, TWFT topic's "god's word has the answer". righteo, let's start with last night's events first!
-had the usual dinner, one loo trip then dad drove me out to SHINE fellowship, chucking his usual spac attack @ me. *sigh, whatever ...
-do we always start off with charades? seems like it ... the difference was that tonight, we did charades of other fellowship members! michael gave me uncle kelvin to act out, i merely held out three fingers, pretended i was rocking a baby, and vicky immediately got it. XD
-we split up for prayer. last night, i prayed with michael, uncle kelvin and kathy. one of the first things uncle kelvin was ask kathy had she heard about the warrigal square shooting, coz she lived near that place, and i yelped @ him, 'hey, warrigal square's like my backyard!" and did you know ... okay, i've lost my train of thought, apologies. ><
-by the time we finished praying, uncle kelvin asked me, "do you need the bathroom?" and when i nodded yes, he sent kathy to walk behind me. i managed fine by myself, and don't need era to open the tap lotsa times anymore, coz ela's got that automatic tap to play with, now!
-last night, our bible study was done from John 1:35-51, led by kathy. i presume dr. dr. tai led a second group, and smoky/vicky the third. afterwards, thomas concluded.
-there's no SHINE fellowship next week, coz apparently, there's some movie night on saturday night? don't think i'll attend that, unless the parents expect me to.
-afterwards, dad drove me home. somehow, he expected me to walk all the way down the hall to the kitchen to get my milk, and after i refused, chucked some noisy cow @ me that dragged poor PIG mum up. ><  meaning i didn't have any milk last night but instead, i very grumpily sang myself to sleep.
-today: i used the pot :P three times last night and once more around then i spent the ten minutes till 7am having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. then, cuddling bear bear, i returned to sleep with him, waking briefly to kiss PIG mum goodbye and use the pot :P once more when she left for work around 7:50am.
-more sleepings followed. dad came in just before 10am to stretch elf's calf for several minutes; afterwards, i  used the pot :P once more and successfully fell back asleep before annie arrived.
-dad gave me ten more minutes, although @ least half that time was used for him talking to annie.
-after ten minutes, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once more for three tinkles. annie came back, got me kitted, then led me over to the bathroom, where i brushed my teeth.
-then, i asked annie please for a mug of water - my first to hold 'incorrectly', and i did a stinky unspeakable.
-after walking over to wash and dry era, i held annie's hand and walked out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast. 
-first, though, i asked annie to please pass me the milk, and i poured myself half a mug to make up for me not getting any last night. there, problem solved. :)
-thanks to dad who fried some ham and eggs for breakfast, and annie who put that into a sandwich, alongside with one slice of cheese. she also made me one mug of tea, white and two, my second to hold 'incorrectly'. while i ate, annie fiddled with her ipad.
-once i finished eating, she massaged ela for like forty minutes, painting her light blue with white spots today.
-at 11:45am, annie took me to the loo once for two tinkles then made me some milo, sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey; only, she forgot to microwave it first! XD
-aroundabouts 12:15pm, annie took me to the loo once more before cooking some fried rice for me while i rang aunty nga. hey, little mickey's a big boy now, just over 4.5 years old, but last night, he still asked to sleep with aunty nga (and she let him! XD)
-after chatting with her for around six minutes, annie massaged ela for ten, maybe fifteen more minutes before taking me once more to the loo. she's planning to buy some wraps from muffin break for lunch.
-lunch was just over half a bowl of annie's yummy fried rice. originally, she'd given me one bowl, but trust dad to come over, claim that 'twas 'too much' for me, then take away almost half! >< *sigh*
-lunch was gonna be washed down with one mug of rice green tea, but i told PIG mum i wanted to go do a stinky unspeakable and she just restricted me to water instead. no biggie, i think the tea's still waiting for me; i'll drink it before heading off to shower.
-of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself, but i also spent some time leaning against the side rail, asking percy the saint/angel to please help me have an awesome night tonight.
-well, cathy's due in just under one hour. think i'll play some lumosity games/read some news.
-tonight, i'm off to dora's hen's dinner! the girls are already over @ dora's place for a pampering session; i'm just joining them for dinner~
-toms: just church, nothing special. oops, i've forgotten to complete my bible study homework! must do that after i shower. XD
-fingers crossed for lunch @ plaza toms, also fingers crossed for some visitors toms arvo. righteo, hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

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