Sunday, April 15, 2012

sunday post 90c

*sigh* sorry, when nature calls, you gotta listen, see? anyways, my new plodding total for sunday's now 3604. righteo, continuing today's events?
-PIG mum took me once to the loo then left with dad for cell group.
-when julz arrived, i went once more to the loo, then we sat down and played monopoly, the marvel heros version! i was utterly and totally wiped out by them, BTW. julz had the most cash, while bee had the most property. me, i was just bankrupt. XD
-we all also enjoyed one of those chocolate orange sticks. bee kindly poured me half a mug of milk; i took that as the mug i could drink 'incorrectly'.
-bee left first, julz saw me to the loo once and back before leaving.
-i tried ringing leanne, but she was busy. instead, i rang aunty nga, who told me that mickey was napping.
-when PIG mum awoke from pigland, i managed to talk her out of a shower. :) but then she demanded i stretch poor elf. >< my poor ankle, i sometimes seriously wonder does she know how much PAIN she puts me in when she forces me to do that?! ><
-but i plopped back online afterwards, until aunty a arrived for dinner. PIG mum had told me to call her after the cham sisters had left; i woke her up. XD
-i went once more to the loo safely and slowly by myself before dinner. 
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa yummy green beans and wombok, two/three tiny slices of yummy pork and some of yummy BBQ chicken. i spponed dinner down with one mug of soup, took myself to the loo once slowly and safely (PIG mum was too busy gossiping to aunty a to care whether or not i made it safely there and back) then plopped online. i also went once more when uncle colbert arrived. i thought he was gonna do sth with my ipad, but he's just yakking with the parents and aunty a now.
-anyways, will need the loo once more around 9:15pm, will come back after that with my final, final plodding total and events for toms.
em. ^^ 

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