Monday, May 28, 2012

monday post 95b

good evening! em's new plodding total for wednesday now stands @ 3506. yay, i'm just over 3.5 grand. :)righteo, continuing today's events?
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to westlife's 'gravity' all day, too. while she drove, era helped ela stretch for ten minutes, then she opened and closed her palm fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-hey, today was a surprisingly easy torture session! ela just did some work, and vincent the physio even let her grab two lollies @ the end! personally, i think he's trying to poison me; he gave PIG mum pig trotters and egg in vinegar? apparently, that's the custom. well, see if i'm here still posting toms; if i'm not, arrest him for my poisoning murder! XD i also checked with him how poor ela's shoulder had hurt like the blazes pushing the shopping trolley from coles to that dessert place, but vincent said that was okay, just muscle ache.
-PIG mum took me once to the loo, then to maccas for lunch! :D of course, never without condition, but hey, i'm used to that.
-they've got some special olympic theme happening; both PIG mum and i ate some kinda pork burger and shared a small fries. i'd wanted a shake, but PIG mum said yes only if i shared my burger with her; of course i refused. OJ's yummy enough. only thing was, the burger was DRIPPING with sauce, while the onions were raw as!
-we also bumped into uncle calvin! he'd just had 'gu zhung' (say that in canto), got himself a cheeseburger, then shared with PIG mum and i one each of his chicken mcbites! 'twas delish. :)
-PIG mum was gonna take me to the loo once, but then, some intellectually disabled man followed us into the loo! o_O so we left - and he followed us! o_O luckily, his carer called him back as we were walking quickly to the car, and he left us alone, phew.
-PIG mum tootled us home first to drop off the dish that vincent the physio had made for us. i sang my other second-favourite song quietly out aloud about ten times, wondering what was taking PIG mum so long; when she came back out, she explained that she'd been searching for her sunnies.
-when PIG mum tootled me off for the stupid volunteer tutoring thing, era helped ela stretch for eight minutes and she also opened and closed her palm one hundred times, holding each for a count of five.
-hey, sue was away today! i hope her mum's okay; last week, she was stressed because her mum was moving nursing homes, or sth like that.
-lol, the new teacher wandered over, and asked very slowly, "are you new in my class?" imagine his surprise when i answered very quickly, "nope. i'm your volunteer tutor. i think my english's okay, coz i've been here almost twenty-two years." XD and he didn't know what to do with me! so i just worked with nahaw today. i think he's a smoker, coz his breath stinks. XD
-after all the students left, i rang PIG mum to come collect me, then the teacher and i chatted. i think he's burmese and he's very, very talkative! when PIG mum came, she joined in the yakking too. the teacher's name's sth like gagaw, he's got three kids, lotsa grandkids, and 996 gold medals from somewhere! he does the hammer throw, BTW. lol, he even found pictures of his family, gave one to PIG mum, then signed it for me, when i asked him please to! XD
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo, then tootled us home. again, era helped ela stretch for thirteen minutes and she opened and closed her palm one hundred times.
-however, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to practise removing my bra before i finally could plop online.
-soo arrived promptly @ 4pm. and Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also thanks to soo who rinsed out my hair for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before soo flipped the nice hot water off, soo dried me, i got creamed and had another tinkle. soo rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was washing/drying my glasses for me.
-i held soo's hand and walked out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.after soo blew dry my hair, she lemme make the perfect arvo tea!! :D goodness gracious me, that's FIVE times this month already!
-soo also made me one cup of tea, white sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of honey, my official cup to drink 'incorrectly' today.
-after i finished eating, i asked soo please for the footstool, propped both legs up, then asked soo to please start massaging ela when she was ready.
-she did so for forty-five minutes, painting her white with black spots today, all the while completing sudoku. while she massaged and sudokued :P away, i read caleb's crossing. i've almost finished it!
-argh, fingers crossed i can bbl~
em. ^^

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