Friday, May 25, 2012

saturday post 93

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 655 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'gratitude' and lastly, i'm still owed EIGHT MINUTES online after soo comes and helps me with a shower!!!! righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
-michael arrived first. i was reading the latest naruto anime, but stopped to show him our anthology! he read my story as thomas, daph and baby karis arrived. thomas read my story too, having a good laugh @ me. XD oh, about ten people turned out last night.
-can't remember did i use the bathroom once before sitting @ the gobbling :P table.
-thomas decided that we'd play jenga!
-evil michael got out his smartphone and started tapping out quick noises to stress out whoever's turn it was to remove a tile! actually, he was very good @ it, even doing my turn for me when i chickened out. XD
-kathy complained of shaking hands, but in the end, 'twas smoky who sent the tile down with a CRASH! i'd warned heidi (who was cuddling baby karis) to make sure the sudden loud noise didn't frighten little karis and she kept her hand over karis' ears when the tower went down, so all was good. :)
-when the game ended, i asked daph to please open the packet of chips that karen had given me last week, and we all munched happily. michael poured everyone juice, while i asked him please for some milk.
-also thanks to daph who helped me once to the loo around 9:20pm; i managed fine by myself.
-back @ the gobbling :P table, we played sequence! i teamed with thomas, daph with karen and michael with ... someone else, oh, heidi. XD XD the chow sisters had scurried home after jenga, citing the need to clean the house before uncle sam and aunty anne returned from hong kong this morning. XD
-'twas almost 10pm when clever thomas won!
-everyone packed up quickly, daph helped me back to the computer table, michael kindly placed a cushion behind my back and brought me the phone. we all said our byes, and with great timing - just as they left, the parents arrived home!
-as expected, immediate bedtime.
-today: another awesome sleep, yeah! nature called, but i ignored it for another five minutes until PIG mum left for work @ 7:50am. then i spent the next ten minutes having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today with, and giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and all satisfied.
-cuddling bear bear, i returned happily to sleep with him, not waking until tessa arrived promptly @ 10am. she comes in, and goes, "oh, hi, darl, i'm very early today!" i turn blearily, look @ the clock then sleepily respond, "no, you're not. it's exactly 10am, look."
-anyways, tess lets me sleep until almost 10:30pm before getting me up.
-i swing myself over to the pot :P for one more tinkle, before swinging myself back into bed when i realised i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable.
-tess gets me kitted, then we link arms and walk together over to the bathroom, where i brush my teeth. thanks to tess who squirted me some toothpaste.
-after brushing teeth, i drink the mug of water tess gave me 'incorrectly' then go and do a stinky unspeakable, also leaning briefly against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to percy.
-after finishing, i walk over to wash and dry era, before going with tess out into the dining room for breakfast.
-thanks to dad who fried some ham and eggs, and thanks to tess who stuck one slice of cheese in there for me. i also drank one mug of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-then, leanne and nat arrived!! they'd rung while i was over the loo, to let tess know they were coming. and they'd brought a packet of medium fries from maccas as morning tea! :D
-i gave leanne the anthology, and she read my two stories, being utterly tactless and laughing her head off when she read about my embarrassing incident. ><" when nat read, she was much more polite, only succumbing to silent laughter. XD
-so we ate chips and yakked. tess yakked along too, mostly with nat.
-they left around 11:45am; i walked them out and we all hugged. :)
-after they left, i went once more to the loo, then tess made me some milo sweetened with some sugar, my third mug i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-when tess went to cook me some fried rice for lunch, i tried ringing aunty lai. getting no answer, i tried aunty nga. she answered - but she's sick! ><" that's why we only chatted for like three minutes.
-before tess left, she took me once more to the loo for two/three tinkles. actually, i started re-reading purpose-driven life out aloud! the first day's about, "it's not about you." 
-lunch was a heaped half bowl of fried rice plus one mug of fruit and vegie juice, my third to hold 'incorrectly'.
-after lunch, i read caleb's crossing until PIG mum came downstairs from her shower and had her lunch too.
-then, i went once more to the loo before plopping online.
-well, soo should arrive to gimme a shower in just under twenty minutes; fingers crossed i can come back online afterwards! else:
-just church toms, nothing special. hey, i've just realised, ray hasn't e-mailed us homework for this week yet. it's not semester break already, is it?
-fingers crossed i can have lunch @ plaza afterwards and that i'll get some visitors toms night! righteo, hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

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