Thursday, May 19, 2011

friday post 42

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 2949 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'identify the source'; thirdly, the spam count for the week's twenty-two and fourthly, em's still owed TWENTY-ONE MINUTES online after aunty frances leaves!!! righteo, let's start with last night's nights events first!
-the carer came fifteen minutes late, @ 4:45pm. and her name's not murray, but mari - she's japanese!
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk into the bathroom for my shower - no hairwash today.
-i had one tinkle before mari flipped off the nice hot water, dried myself and had another tinkle, got creamed. mari rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps.
-after she rinsed the floor for me once, and yelled for PIG mum, who gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to mari's car.
-mari tootled us off to garbo. i gave her directions there, but couldn't remember where the underground carpark was! meaning we went around, and around, and around ... XD
-after i pushed sparkless to the library, i settled down with feist's 's the king's buccaneer' for a good forty minutes of happy reading. :)
-mari came back, took me once to the loo, then i walked to foodcourt with sparkless.
-i got my usual: a two piece feed with an orange juice, extra chicken salt on the chips, just gravy instead of potato and gravy and a kookies and kream krusher. that comes to like $13.70 mari got herself some chips/gems/wedges with gravy from bucking bull, but complained they weren't hot enough. she also drank a mango and passionfruit boost juice, which she gave me the last mouthful of. 'twas nice, but i got BRAINFREEZE! ><" :P
-mari took me once again to the loo after dinner. era took the opportunity to quickly open and close the taps one hundred times. i'm all done until next tuesday, now. :)
-next, we went to woolies and picked up bread for that. then i had enough to buy myself one yummy sausage bun from breadtop for breakfast toms! :D
-actually, i STILL had leftover money! final stop - maccas for a soft serve. :) i noticed that they sell cookies for one dollar; perhaps i'll try some next fortnight.
-mari and i went to borders next. it'll be gone the nrxt time i go to garbo. :( so i made a point of touching several bookshelves and saying "bye" before we left.
-we went to jayjays next! i love that place - it's got some awesome tees. :D mari bought a top for her daughter, who's fourteen. her son's thirteen, and they attend moreton bay bug :P college. her hubby's japanese, unlike nobuko's, who's aussie. he works as a payroll officer for queensland health and they first met up in townsville! mari guessed i was twenty-one, BTW. :P
-last stop for the night: kmart. mari found the teddy section for me. :)
-mari took me once more to the loo. she went after me, so i took the opportunity to wash and dry both hands.
-back home, repeat the usual nightly routine, zzz. :P
-oh! but now, dad can even imitate hungry! (the toothbrush holder souvenir that kwany bought for me from china) "what about me?!" dad wails. :P (see, i often sing that @ night after i've brushed my teeth and am drying my hands :P mother usually feeds him quickly to shut him up. :P)
-i used the pot :P twice last night, using it once more this morning when dearest dad left for work.
-then i returned to sleep with bear bear until PIG mum poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-when she came back inside, i swung myself over to the pot :P for one tinkle. i'd have liked to stay over it for two, but PIG mum shooed me off.
-after she got me kitted, she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the kitchen, where she gleefully forced poor ela to open and close the taps several times.
-breakfast was the yummy sausage bun i'd bought from breadtop last night! i drank one mug of yummy warm horlicks 'incorrectly'.
-lol, i'm so well behaved i even POOP on command! XD
-of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to leslie cheung all day, too.
PIG mum tootled me off to UQ for physio. after a loo trip (where she of course gleefully forced me both to dak and un-dak myself. then, @ the waiting room, she of course gleefully flounced off to pay without passing me a magazine first. luckily, there was a male carer also in the waiting room (he was minding a wheelchair-bound man) who nicely passed me a woman's day magazine which i happily browsed until caleb came for me with a walkbelt.
-eep, evil katrina put me on the dreaded tilt table today! ><
-i also practised several sit-to-stands with him and played two games of noughts and crosses (them americans call it tic-tac-toe) with rebecka.
-caleb walked me back to the waiting room, then left me with a madison fashion mag to browse until PIG mum came back from wherever she'd gone.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo, then tootled me off to see naz for a kebab!
-lol, i asked naz, "how's your wife going?" to which he answered, "she's not going anywhere." :P i also asked him did they want kids in the future, and he replied yes, two, because anymore would be too hard to keep count of. :P
-last stop: unique physiotherapy. not for me, thank god, but for PIG mum, who's got a sore back. come on, all the lucky thing needs to do is lie down and let vincent do comfy things to her back!
-righteo, aunty frances is here. showertime for me now, bbl!
em. ^^

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