Friday, May 20, 2011

saturday post42b

good afternoon again! em's new final plodding total now stands @ 1522. sweet, i'm just past 1.5 grand. :) oh, and i'm still owed FIFTY-EIGHT MINUTES online after hina leaves!!! anyways, let's start with last night's events first!
-after one loo trip, dad tootled me off to SHINE fellowship listening to jacky cheung.
-we swapped rooms with uni and workers fellowship tonight! they were having their hotpot, see. lol, when lee wandered over and said hi, i asked him please to save me a porkball, but he forgot! >< :P
-for worship last night, i sang amazing grace. that's the only song i'll sing out aloud until july.
-thomas led us on another bible study last night, about god's grace for us.
-poor grace led right after worship, actually, coz she was feeling crook. >< hope she feels better by next week!
-dr. dr. tai took me once to the loo afterwards; i managed fine.
-then i sat outside and had a yak with her, waiting for dad to come pick me up. right now, she's learning about computer languages! not c++, though.
-dad took me home, repeat the usual nightly routine, zzz. i was pissed because he refused to help me take of my bra strap (actually, he accussed me of not learning how to take it off myself >< but i SWEAR, mother has NEVER taught me how to do it myself before! ><) and not only that, he accussed me of shaking pedro. i haven't done that for months!!!! ><
-sat: one more reason i was pissed last night: dad refused to lemme fully empty my bladder last night, meaning i had to get up overnight and use the pot. :P *sigh*
-sat: kris came for me five minutes late, although she claimed that she was on time by her car clock.
-after ten more minutes, she got me kitted, then led me to the bathroom to brush my teeth. after, i went to the toilet for two tinkles before she held my wrist and i walked out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-i wrote questions for jack while kris prepared my breakfast.
-i ate a ham and egg sandwich cut into two rectangles and drank one cup of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-after i'd finished eating breakfast, i asked kris please to give ela a massage - but she stopped after ten minutes! apparently, she's got carpel tunnel?
-instead, i asked her please cook me some fried rice for lunch. lol, i don't think she's used a gas stove before - she dropped the f-bomb after i taught her how to turn it on. :P
-kris also made me one mug of warm milo, sweetened with some honey. actually, swap the tea and honey around; i had the milo for breakfast and the tea for morning tea.
-after morning tea, she gave ela a massage for fifteen more minutes, painting her black today. i've discovered that kris is really racist - i don't really like her. :(
-kris took me once more to the loo and i did a stinky unspeakable before she left. i was pissed coz she'd given me one full bowl of fried rice, but dad took more than half of that out and gave me lotsa lettuce instead! >< meaning lunch was LESS THAN HALF a bowl of fried rice. :( dad only gave me a mug of water to flush that down with, coz kris had been super heavy-handed with the soya sauce.
-then i went over to type out and print jack's questions for him.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo before he arrived. of course, she gleefully forced me to do everything.
-jack's going good, hey. he finished everything quickly and we had time to chat for about twenty-five minutes before i returned online and dad drove me home.
-well, if hina gets here on time, she should be here in five minutes. fingers crossed i can come back online afterwards!
em. ^^

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