Monday, November 19, 2018

Tuesday Post 276b

Heylo again, good afternoon and please excuse the first post; you know I still get too excited whenever I get the chance to post before midday. XD Firstly, today I’ve been hard @ work plodding 2139 steps 9ha, I’m over two grand XD) and secondly, TWFT topic’s “Leader, Here’s God’s Way” but thirdly and way most importantly, I’m still owed ONE HOUR and SIX MINUTES online after Carol leaves @ 6pm!! Anyways, just briefly, events for today?

  • Yay, 3rd consecutive awesome sleep last night! Nature didn’t call until 6:50am~
  • Saw Dr. Ku and got a referral to see Dr. O’Sullivan this Friday.
  • For my first game of Bejeweled ending @ 4;24pm, I lasted 6:19. Now, lemme finish one more game lasting in between five and six minutes, and I’ll willingly hit the sack tonight. XD
  • Wet grocery shopping with PIG mum @ the Warrigal Square Woolies.
  • Had lunch with the other Chan family @ Ho Lin Wah. Phew, Aunty Winnie fit in through the doorway just fine.
  • Saw Aunty Ann for a comfy massage~
  • Hitting small group tonight; housewarming party @ Sarah’s and Daniel’s new place!
  • Toms: late morning torture session with Vincent the physio. ><
  • Oh, will prolly go with PIG mum to see Kelvin Leung the dentist. Fingers crossed for more gossip mags! XD
  • Kim’s taking me to some choir performance toms night!
  • Best of all, Wednesday equals ice cream~


Em. ^^

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