Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday Post 277b

Heylo again, good evening and probably one final greeting for tonight! Em’s probable fin … ugh, I don’t have a plodding total to login coz Wally died and even worse, PIG mum dunno where she put Spare! >< But just noting down that Joni’s devotional topic’s ‘She Did What She Could’. Righteo, probable final, final events for tonight?

  • When dearest dad called dinner, I used the loo for one tinkle then walked myself slowly and safely to the gobbling :P table, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Now @ 9:11pm I’ve finished another game of Bejeweled lasting 6:39. That’s today’s quotas satisfied, and I promise to willingly hit the sack tonight.
  • Dinner tonight: rice, lotsa little tong vegetable and like three strips of yummy BBQ chicken. Dunno why dad insists I eat ‘his’ way: i.e. one mouthful of vegetable, one mouthful of meat and one mouthful of rice, etc; I prefer eating ‘my’ way, which is saving the best for last! Problem easily solved: I’d shove my mouth full of vegetables, take one tiny nibble of chicken and top with rice; that way, I still had the best (i.e. the chicken) to leave till last coz I’d eaten all the vegetables while still adhering to dad’s funny rule. XD
  • Dinner was washed down with one mug of Chinese tea, after which I walked myself slowly and safely to the couch, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • There, I cuddled Bear Bear and we watched the taped episode of The Good Doctor~ Lol, aren’t I pathetic? We’re into the second season, but I still haven’t learnt all the doctor’s names yet! XD Pity dad turned the volume right down to the low thirties and threatened to switch off the television should I increase it, but hey. I know ‘twas just the cruel and unfaithful God trying yet another tactic to ruin my day; I softly, slowly but most hatefully sang my newest second-favourite song aloud just once then decided God wasn’t worth me wasting my time and instead cuddled Bear Bear and we watched the episode together~
  • Once that finished, I walked myself slowly and safely once more to the loo for one tinkle then back online, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Toms: just church, definitely nothing special. Can’t remember: will the Bible study lesson toms be the last for the year?
  • Would love lunch out with other ESS peeps (Becca did mention sth about having lunch together this week last week) but braced for a cheap meal out with the parents @ Maccas.
  • Also braced for a stressful afternoon @ the hands of PIG mum.oh, will tell her that I’ll turn the alarm on toms if she turns it off; I’m not doing it twice! >< *sigh*
  • And if the parents won’t lemme out for lunch with other ESS people; dad had better take us to dinner toms night!
  • Righteo, hope to see everyone @ church toms!


Em. ^^

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