Sunday, November 11, 2018

Monday Post 275b

Heylo again and please excuse the first post; you know I jstill get too excited whenever I get to post online before midday. XD Firstly, today I’ve been hard @ work plodding only 856 steps (but I’m sure I’ll have cracked 1000 before the day’s out) and secondly, TWFT topic’s ‘When Things Seem To Go Wrong’. Anyways, events for today?

  • For my first game of Bejeweled ending @ 8:17am, I lasted 5:13. Now, lemme play one more game lasting from between six and seven minutes, and I’ll willingly hit the sack tonight. XD
  • Woo hoo, 9th consecutive awesome sleep last night! Some idiot birdbrain decided he’d start early, started screeching while ‘twas still pitch black outside and woke me, but I just muttered @ him to shur up and lemme sleep. XD
  • Dad came and hit me with the eye goo @ like 4:30! He said I could have fifteen more minutes but I really only got eleven coz suddenly he came back into my and said get up, time to go. I’ll try claim nineteen toms to make up for it. XD
  • Now @ 8:54am, I’ve finished one more game of Bejeweled lasting 6:26. That’s today’s quotas satisfied, and I now promise to willingly hit the sack tonight, And all before 9am, too! XD
  • Dad came in really early to hit me with the eye goo, like 5:30am! I used the pot :p once more then and originally he said he’d gimme fifteen more minutes, but when I’d only counted five minutes down and had ten minutes left, he changed his mind and said only five more minutes! Only one minute after that, he ordered me up! Huh, toms I’ll try claim nineteen minutes; should be okay, I’m not seeing Aunty Ann till like 2pm.
  • Dad got me kitted (unsure why he randomly got pissed with me when I asked for Wally? I just put that down to the cruel and unfaithful God trying to ruin my day before it’d even begun and put Him from my mind), I drank a teacupful of milk then climbed into the 4WD.
  • Dad tootled us out to the airport to get PIG mum! Dunno why he wouldn’t turn on the radio so I could listen to the 6am news, but hey. This morning, the trip took forty-five minutes; Era has already helped Ela stretch for thirty minutes and rubbed her fingers for ten minutes, while Ela has already opened and closed her palm 200 times, holding each for a count of five.
  • PIG mum had left the airport terminal and was already outside waiting for us! I immediately got outta the car and gave her a big hug; yay, she agreed to sit beside me for the drive home~
  • Back home, I used the loo once for four tinkles and PIG mum got me kitted for hydro. ARGH. ><
  • I’d asked her could she please have some breakfast ready for me? Only she couldn’t be bothered. Fine, I got myself FOUR Weet-Bix with milk. XD Too bad I couldn’t find the honey! ;) When dad came over and grumbled that I’d eaten too much for breakfast, I told him I only had three. XD
  • Breakfast over, I took my bowl over to the sink then walked myself slowly and safely online, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Alyssa’s coming to gimme an OT session @ 10:30am.
  • Fingers crossed I’ll get to watch Nine’s morning news afterwards!
  • Argh, Tina’s coming to take me to hydro this arvo. I’ll haveta ask her to please clean the floor before she leaves, else I’ll do it myself.
  • Toms: perhaps expect a pissy plodding total from me? Don’t have NAB physio toms, but fingers crossed PIG mum’ll still take me to half a lunch @ Ho Lin Wah and will buy a banana for me coz I’ve got NAB physio with Ethan Wednesday and maybe I can finally get his shiny hundred dollar bill!
  • Looking forward to seeing Aunty Ann for a comfy massage toms~ Luckily, I already warned her last week that since PIG mum’s only just come back from HK, she’s even gonna be more yappy than she usually is. XD
  • Will haveta stay online till 4:40pm then take my quickest possible shower coz Carol’s taking me out to Toastmasters toms night! Fingers crossed PIG mum’ll lemme buy some dinner back home from Maccas; never mind that Happy Meals were what I had surely MORE THAN TWO DECADES ago!! *sigh*
  • Anyways, hopefully bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!


Em. ^^

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