Sunday, November 11, 2018

Monday Post 275d

Potentially one final greeting for Monday! Em’s potential fional, final plodding total for Monday now stands @ 1493. Well, hopefully I’ll pass 2500 before the night’s out! Anyways, potential final, final events for Monday?

  • I really enjoyed watching Nine’s morning news~
  • When dad summoned me over for lunch, I walked myself slowly and safely once to the loo for one tinkle before joining him @ the gobbling :p table, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Now @ 4:02pm, I’ve finished one more game of Bejeweled lasting 7:09. Right, promise I’ll not play again until toms. XD
  • Lunch wasn’t rice, but vermicelli! That was with lotsa boiled little tong vegetable, one small chunk of pork and one small mouthful of the Hokkien noodles that dearest dad and I shared for dinner last night. Dad was funny: first he told me to come over for lunch @ 12:30pm, then he changed his mind and said come over for lunch @ 12:20pm, then he changed his mind AGAIN and said come for lunch @ 12:15pm! Once I’d arrived @ the gobbling :P table, he incessantly pestered me to eat after; before I’d even finished eating, he was like, “Use the loo then wait for Tina’s arrival.” At first, I was like, “May I please finish this mouthful before leaving?’ then, “May I please finish dreinking my soup before leaving?” Dad hurried me up again while I was over the loo; I was like, “May I please finish wiping before coming out?” then last of all, when he was hurrying me up yet AGAIN, I was like, “May I please pull my pants up before coming out??’ All that rush, and in the end, when I came outside, Tina hadn’t even ARRIVED yet! XD
  • After Tina arrived, dad tootled us off to the Runcorn Pool,. Tina linked arms with me and we walked into the pool.
  • Claire was already there, alas. Hydro today: walked 725 steps, some seaweeding, some passive movement for Ela, some kicking for both legs, some mini squats and leaning forward. I told Claire why I wasn’t a fan of leaning forward but she explained ‘twas safe to lean forward in the water because I’ve got a neck floate on (so can’t face plant) and that I was like weightless in the water so couldn’t injure Era. Sweet~
  • Afterwards, dad tootled us home and I headed into the bathroom for my nice warm shower – I washed and rinsed my hair today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sang 21% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • I had one tinkle before I flipped the nice warm water off, got dried, hade another tinkle then got creamed. When Tina rekitted me, I had one more tinkle when she was doing Elf’s AFO straps and one last when I’m drying inside both ears with a tissue.
  • Back outside, arvo tea’s one mug of white tea sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of sugar and one juicy pear. Originally I thought Tina was leaving @ 4:30pm and I’d get to read for one hour, but turns out her shift finished @ 3:30pm but she was just so slow she was still cleaning the bathroom and didn’t leave till 3:50pm! XD But I signed her off and she’s back next Monday.
  • When she left, I used the loo once more for two tinkles then walked myself slowly and safely online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
  • Argh, despite me telling dad the legs are tired from walking 725 steps today in the pool with Claire, he’s insisting I let him gleefully force me on more stupid pointless floor exercises for him soon. >< *sigh*
  • Toms: late morning torture session with Vincent the physio. ><
  • Fingers crossed I can get half a lunch @ Ho Lin Wah afterwards!
  • Seeing Aunty Ann for a comfy massage afterwards~ Bet PIG mum’s got one month’s worth of yapping stored up for Aunty Ann. XD
  • Will haveta stay online till 4:40pm when I get home then take my quickest possible shower coz Carol’s taking me out to Toastmasters toms night! So fingers crossed PIG mum’ll lemme buy some dinner home from Maccas; never mind that Happy Meals were what I had surely MORE THAN TWO DECADES ago!! *sigh*
  • Also fingers crossed PIG mum’ll lemme do each Lumosity brain game quickly once before I let her gleefully boot me off to bed!
  • Righteo, hopefully bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!


Em. ^^
P.S. It's like the first time ever I've gotten to watch both the morning and 6pm editions of the news! Here are all the interesting surnames I saw: Trinh, Watcho, Gibbs, Leavers, Heinke, Peniamina, Crouncher, Kardashian (heard), Bridie (first name), Mobbs, Arvier, Uhlmann, Macron (heard), Cosgrove, Fox, Dobbin, Gillmeister, Tagataese, Nikorima, Barba (heard), Lyon, Marsh, Nabbout, Nishikori, Verstappen, Youngberry Chester, Rugg, Hutchings, Dalton, Mortimer, Dalton (heard)Rechlin and Prain. 1 AUD = 72.5 USc. Brisbane was 17-28 today; toms Mt. Gravatt's forecast: 15-26.
P.P.S. First time I've heard: since when was 'Gaz' a nickname for 'Garry'? XD

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