Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday Post 265d

Good evening! Firstly, Joni’s devotional topic’s ‘Yours For A Song’ but secondly and way more importantly, I’m still owed ONE HOUR and ELEVEN MINUTES online after I use the loo once more @ 9pm!! Anyways,won’t have the time to note down events in detail, so just briefly, let’s start off with last night’s events first!

  • After staying online till 4:40pm, I took my quickest possible shower, munched the second half of lunch for arvo tea then hit Toastmasters with Carol!
  • Doesn’t matter I’ve not had the time to play my two usual games of Bejeweled today; I’ll still willingly hit the sack tonight coz I just played one game lasting like 8:47!
  • I was warmup Master, but there wasn’t a theme! I asked Elsa for one; she shrugged, said, “Open theme. You choose.” Well, I chose to play Santa! “It’s time for Christmas shopping!” I announce. “I’ve been a very good girl this year; what are you gonna buy me for Christmas?” I got food vouchers, minions and Neil even came up with this electric wheelchair for me that came with built-in GPS!
  • Not only that, I was chosen for Table Topics! For 1:30, I talked about how when in HK, EAT YOUR HEAD OFF! XD
  • Finally, I got my MILKSHAKE for dinner with my Happy Meal!
  • Today: yay, awesome sleep last night! Nature didn’t call until 5:25am~
  • First physio session: single leg pushups using tower of power, elbow flexion for Ela and walking around gym. It’s my last @ the NAB for the year, hurrah!
  • Had lunch @ the Warrigal Square Maccas with Alayna, Mariana and her kids! I finally got a proper-sized meal, chicken clubhouse, hurrah again!

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