Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday Post 274d

Good evening and probably one final greeting for Friday! Em's probable final, final plodding total for Friday now stands @ 1994. Oh, I'm beyond certain that I'll have cracked 2000 before the night's out. XD Righteo, just briefly probable final, final events for tonight?
  • Ji Young came and gave me a session of rehab therapy, followed by a quick massage.
  • I happily watched Seven's morning news. All the reader's names, interesting surnames I found and weather forecast are in some previous post.
  • After using the loo for one tinkle then turning the alarm on, I climbed into the backseat of the 4WD and PIG mum tootled me off to Calamvale Central.
  • First, I visited Go Cutt for my cheap ten dollar haircut. The guy spoke Mandarin but knew enough English to gimme one instruction, "Look down". What a novelty! Usually mother's always ordering that I look up, coz when I struggle to walk I can't actually feel Elf and can't help constantly glancing down to make sure she's still attached …
  • Afterwards, we have the cheap lunch @ Hanaromart. Originally I wanted lunch @ Chatterbox/whatever the cafĂ© Dino works at's called, but there weren't any newspapers available to read so PIG mum decided let's eat outside Hanaromart. Only I protested no, coz she only ever lets me eat half and  I want one; amazingly, PIG mum agreed to lemme eat the whole meal! :D
  • Saw Ray for some massage and acupuncture. Obviously, PIG mum was in her element, yapping ceaselessly @ him; my grateful thanks to Ray who always replied and kept a conversation flowing.
  • Kim minded me from 4pm till 6pm. When I showered, I washed and rinsed my own hair; I also sang 20% of my shorter second-favourite song softly, slowly but most hatefully out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • Did the cup practice with Kim for arvo tea.
  • read new book club novel for one hour! Reached page twenty-five @ 5:14pm then page fifty 2 5:40pm.
  • Hoping to watch the Broncos play tonight; we need to win!!
  • Toms: expect a super pissy plodding total from me coz I'm not going out. Besta's minding me from 10am till 2pm; will remember to shower 2 12:30pm coz Kim's not doing the 4pm till 6pm shift. But looking forward to my three big mugs of white tea with two sugars and hopefully getting to read for three hours! Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend ahead1
    Em. ^^

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