Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday Post 254d

Good evening again and one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's final, final plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 2364 and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Prone To Wander'. Righteo, final, final events for tonight?
  • After we got home, I used the loo once then returned online. once the most important two hours of my day were finished, I used the loo for one tinkle, went and poured myself one mug of milk and peeled and ate the mandarin PIG mum had left on the benchtop for me. Originally I was scared it'd be really hard to peel with just Era, but turns out that mandarin peel was very soft and only had one seed!
  • I read for exactly thirty more minutes, taking my total reading time to three hours; it's only Saturdays when I get to spend a blessed three hours with my nose buried in a book~ Not only that, after MONTHS, I FINALLY finished reading Clintons' memoirs and immediately moved onto reading Sammy Thaiday's one!
  • One more loo trip for one tinkle for me before I returned online.
  • Suddenly dad said we're going out to dinner tonight coz toms night's he's staying @ home to watch the A-League grand final!
  • Dinner's @ Sunnybank oriental; obviously, I get piss little: 1.5 mouthfuls of vermicelli, 1.5 bowls of congee and 0.5 bowls of rice. You'd think dad wouldn't take any away for his lunch toms coz it's only Saturday but he still did; I can only hope he'll lemme eat lunch out with other ESS peers toms!!
  • Back home, I did my day's HEP programs with PIG mum (stress ><) before using the loo for one more tinkle then returning online.
  • Toms: just church, definitely nothing special. Oh, if dad's really having the dinner he took for lunch toms, fingers, toes and all other appendages crossed that he'll lemme out for lunch with other ESS people toms!!
  • Braced for a stressful arvo and evening @ the hands of PIG mum. ><*sigh*
  • Righteo, hope to see everyone @ church toms!

    Em. ^^

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