Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday Post 274b

Good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Thursday now stands @ 1729 and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'You Are Being Restored'. Righteo, continuing today's events?
  • Arvo tea finished, I use the loo once more then return online. Around 5pm, I use the loo once more myself~
  • At 5:30pm, Kim arrived to drive me to book club! During the drive, she told me they were having homemade pizzas for dinner tonight, yum!
  • Phil chaired tonight; eleven ladies attended. Thanks to Jen/Second Mum for tea and bikkies, even though she left around 6:40pm when her son finished soccer practice. He's very polite, though, he knocked the closed door softly before entering! usually when one leaves everyone leaves too, but I asked could peoples please keep me company coz if everyone left Kim would take me home straightaway and leave early but still get the full pay; everyone said yes and stayed chatting till 7:30! Mostly I chatted with Delia and Kath.
  • Before we left, Erika gave me a belated birthday present! It's a red bag with sth inside but we left it in the Camry so hopefully either parent will bring the bag back inside toms and I'll see what Erika's gotten me!


    Em. ^^

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