Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Post 275d

Good evening and probably one final greeting for Friday! Firstly, Em's probable final, final plodding total for Friday now stands @ 2188 (see? Told you I'd pass two grand! XD) and secondly, the potential final, final spam count for the week's now thirty-two. Righteo, just briefly, probable final, final events for tonight?
  • After enjoying my delicious chocolate custard bun for breakfast, Ji Young came to gimme a session of rehab therapy.
  • Enjoyed watching Seven's morning news; dunno why PIG mum demanded I watch the news from the sofa and not online, where I could've noted down the reader's names, interesting surnames I found, the weather forecast for toms and the value of the Aussie dollar, but hey.
  • Had one yummy bowl of Campbell's Cream of chicken soup with some bread and one mug of oolong tea for lunch before going to Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown and doing my six minute walk.
  • Saw Ray for some acupuncture and massage.
  • Kim minded me from 4pm till 6pm. When I took a nice hot shower (and they mightn't last; today PIG mum hired some plumber to advise her on how she could control the water temperature; she also told Ray and he sent her some link on some device that would give her that power *sigh*) - I washed and rinsed my own hair today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sang 20% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • I had one tinkle before I flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helped me dry my back, both legs and Era), mostly creamed myself (again, thanks to Kim who kindly helped me cream my back, both calves and Era) then mostly rekitted myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helped me with Erf's sock, Elf's AFO and both laces). Then I used the loo for one tinkle, dried inside both ears, washed and dried Era then walked myself slowly and safely to the gobbling :P table,  rising above His near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Did the cup practice with Kim; also thanks to Kim who lemme drink one mug of white tea sweetened with one spoonful of honey. Happiness was reading Bill Clinton's memoirs for one hour - I reached page NINE HUNDRED @ 5:35pm!As for Kim, after she finished cleaning the bathroom, she very gently and very sporadically (she brushes Ela a few times then stops; I've adopted the habit of twitching Ela @ the end of every paragraph to get her starting again XD) massages Ela for fifty-five minutes while using her mobile phone.
  • Used the loo once more for two tinkles before Kim left one minute early. She's back next Wednesday and taking me to choir.
  • Hoping to get dinner @ 6:45pm, coz coverage of Friday night football (the Broncos are playing!) begins @ 7:30. If dad refuses/turns the TV to his preferred channel, SBS, guess I'll just haveta skip dinner and watch from the computer, meaning I won't have had any rice today. *sigh*
  • Toms: my weekly sleep-in till 10am, when Besta come minds me till 2pm. Will remember to shower @ 12:30pm coz Kim's not coming 4-6pm.
  • Oh, we've gotta vote! Luckily Warrigal Rd. State school's just down the road … I can only hope beyond all hope that it's bucketing down toms and the parents'll lemme go voting using Sparkless2...
  • Must remember to ask dad will he take me to the EM arvo tea toms; 3-5pm!
  • So prolly won't be back toms, but wishing everyone a smashing weekend ahead!


    Em. ^^

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