Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Wednesday Post 275c

Good afternoon! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 1296 but secondly and way more importantly, I'm still owed THIRTY-EIGHT MINUTES online after Nat leaves @ 4:15pm!! Anyways, let's start off with yesterday's events first!
  • The new carer's only twenty-one! She took me to Toastmasters and we had a great time; I was really proud of her for participating in the warmup!
  • At 4pm, I've finished one last game of Bejeweled lasting 8:17. Right, promise I'll not play again until toms. XD
  • Bruce picked me for Table Topics! Originally, I had volunteered for the rather morbid one, "You just died. What would you like to be remembered for?" And I had raised my hand, volunteering, but Bruce had flapped his arm @ me, saying, "No, not you. I've got another one for you." Turns out that the one he gave me was, "You're Queen for a day. What law will you enact?" Cheekily, I said, "Well, since I'm Queen for a day, my new law's that Emily will haveta answer the previous topic!" Then I regaled the audience with how I'd like to be remembered for STEALING THE MOON back seven years ago. When I wheeled myself back tomy spot, Bruce commented, "See, Emily would make a very good politician. Give her a question and she answers a totally different one." XD
  • Afterwards, the very young new carer (obviously I've already forgotten her name XD) took me once more to the loo then tootled me back to Maccas for my Happy Meal with an orange juice. For herself, she got herself the five dollar double beef and bacon small meal deal; I'd thought 'twas only available for lunch but obviously not!

  • Em. ^^

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