Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Post 300d

Potentially one final greeting for Friday! Firstly, Em's potential final, final plodding total for Friday now stands @ 1620 (see? Told you I'd pass 1.5 grand! XD) and secondly, the potential final, final spam count for the week's now twenty-five. Righteo, potential final, final events for today?
  • At 6:15pm I've finished one game of Bejeweled lasting 5:01. Now, lemme play one more game lasting between five and six minutes, and I promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD
  • PIG mum lets herself into my room to hit me with the eye goo and help me with absolutely nothing bar the bra strap before leaving me to get myself mostly independently kitted, which I comply with after giving myself fifteen more minutes. 
  • At 6:34pm I've finished one game of Bejeweled lasting 5:59. Now, lemme play one more game lasting between six and seven minutes, and I promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD
  • PIG mum comes back to help with nothing but Elf's AFO straps and both shoelaces, before I let her gleefully FORCE :( me to walk over to the bathroom to brush teeth (poor Ela). Teeth brushed, I sit over the loo for two tinkles, also fully leaning against the side rail and  finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!
    Em. ^^

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